A Bank Manager was in the KBC hotseat. Amitabhbachchan asked him to whom he wants to talk "on Phone a Friend". He told he wants to talk with Mr. Suresh of Mumbai. Amitabh asked him whether he is a friend or relative . He told not, he was a NPA borrower of our Bank, he has to pay loan installments to us, but he was not lifting his phone. If Amitabh rings up he will definitely lift his phone and then we can ask him to pay the dues. Amitabh stunned and touched the feet of the Bank Manager to take Ashirwad
This is a good tactic.Banks have been prohibited by RBI to arm twist borrowers with bouncers.Only out of the box approach will help.
It shows how work is upper most in his head 24x7 sincere and loyal employee of psu or private bank. I presume his bank chairman or chairwoman got wind of it and rewarded the manager sumptuously.