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Discussion in 'Interesting Shares' started by jayasala42, Dec 24, 2024.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    At a party attended by celebrities, an elderly gentleman came on stage with the help of a stick and sat on his seat........
    The host asked: "Do you still go to the doctor often?"
    The elderly man said, "Yes, I often go!"
    The host asked, "Why?"
    The elderly man said, "Patients should go to the doctor often! Only then can the doctor survive!!
    The audience applauded for the funny language of the elderly man.
    The host then asked: "Do you also go to the pharmacist then.......
    The elderly man replied: Of course........... because the pharmacist also has to survive.
    On this, the people applauded again.
    The host then asked, "So do you also eat the medicine given by the pharmacist?"
    The elderly man said, "No! I often throw it away because I also want to survive!!
    This made the audience laugh even more.
    Finally the host said: "Thank you for coming for this interview!"
    The old man replied: "You are welcome! I know, you have to survive too!!
    This made the audience laugh a lot and start cheering, which continued for a long time!
    The host asked another question: "Are you often active in your WhatsApp group?
    The old man replied: "Yes, I keep posting messages occasionally because I also want to live! If I don't do this, everyone will think that I am dead and the group admin will delete me!!"*
    *It is said that this joke got the first place in the world, because "Everyone has to live!!*
    *So all you lovely people, smile and keep posting your messages and reactions!!*
    *Stay connected!*
    *Let people know that you are alive, happy and healthy (both mentally and physically)*

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