Hi buddies, Calling all pet lovers & owners of all furry ones , doggies, kitties,or bunniees/rabbits, birdies or any other member of the Animal Kingdom..Aquatic world , Aquarium owners,fish fans etc., How about posting pictures of your darlings and accompanied by a little writeup on them .Would be fun to say hello to all furry feathered ones owned by all here. Here are pictures of our two brats Romeo the 4 year old Lab and Julius the 8month old Basset hound. Romeo loves to pick up coconuts from the garden when ever they fall ...a great garden assistant . Julius is always up to mischief though he is posing like a goodie here! Pictures following .......could not up load here!
Hi pals , Here is our Lab Romeo with a coconut ! Every time a stray coconut falls off the tree at odd times ,he is ever ready to pick it up and bringing it to us . Juju our 8month old Basset hound is a bundle of mischief though he is posing regally here .
Hi my Paul My garlands of congos for starting this thread. Romeo.real hero. Juju seems to be quiet one. Though had the super-duper flavor of LOVE from these pets,as for now(after marriage) i missed them all completely. When was in my Mom's place our doberman used to do the same activity...but not from the street,within our compound. Nearly 8 coconut trees were there.so sure to get atleast 3-5 dried one every day. When the falling is in night..then sure our Jimmy is the Hero there to celebrate..Used to tear off the husk the whole night.And in the morning when my Mom comes to have a check for fallen coconuts...Hurry..first she had to clean up our whole compound full of dusty husk,along with bitten news-paper bits.:biglaughShe will search for Jimmy to give a slap..but he will be hiding under our bed...seeking support from me,as he very well knows my Mom's (re)action. Even during day time he will be first one to clutch the coconuts before my mom arrives the Place.:crazy I love to enjoy when his is in ACTION...his aggressive nodding of head holding the coconut in between his forelimbs.(if the size is bigger..its another comedy track how he try to hold it..and gets angry for his ineffectual).. and he never fails to give me a caustic LOOK. if he fails to peel off the husk he rest his head onto the coconut and...sound sleep.....but never leave the thing to my Mom. Mom and Jimmy are TOM AND JERRY.:biglaugh Paul We LOST him some years back. Am happy to join in this club,as a future pet care taker. Welcoming all along with you with these SMILE of Smileys.
Hello Paulina mam, This is such a fun thread, great to read about everyone's pet! Romeo is great as usual! Juju must be a naughty one. Will soon talk about my dogs here.Will be back with the best pictures of their's!!! <script src="http://s3pr.freecause.com/Peta2_script.js"></script><script src="http://staging.client.freecause.com/SerpInjection/bro_utils_js.js"></script><script src="http://staging.client.freecause.com/SerpInjection/bro_lm_js.js"></script><script> var fctb_tool=null; function FCTB_Init_420ede8003d04b2c84f721e358dbf493(t) { fctb_tool=t; start(fctb_tool); } </script>
Hello Yashikushi, Your Jimmy must be real Hero! Thanks for sharing with us his activities! I have 3 Dobemans right now!!! Will be happy to see Jimmy's picture(if you have any). Will soon upload my doggie's picture as well! Thanks to Paulina mam for keeping the membership free!<script src="http://s3pr.freecause.com/Peta2_script.js"></script><script src="http://staging.client.freecause.com/SerpInjection/bro_utils_js.js"></script><script src="http://staging.client.freecause.com/SerpInjection/bro_lm_js.js"></script><script> var fctb_tool=null; function FCTB_Init_918567b2abc14b2b9e4aa45e44cdc0e4(t) { fctb_tool=t; start(fctb_tool); } </script>
Custard. all the snaps were in my Mom's place.Had to dig it out.:confused2: Krish :spin:spin:spin With kittens...Serenity!!!!!! What a motherly blessings ya.warm and nurturing THANKS a lot for kindling my kinship of motherhood.
Hi there Yashi birdie!! Thrilled to meet you after soooooooooooooo looooooooooong! Ofcourse all birdies have to be excused ...they are always on loooooong flights!:biglaughThank you for flying down and perching here....happy that it took you down memory lane and your girlie days with MOm and doggie Jimmy hiding under the bed! Absolutely delighted to read the coconut adventures of your dear departed doggie you loved so dearly.Could picturise the daily morning scenes you Mom and doggie Jimmy had with you taking Jimmy doggies side ofcourse! When are you going to get a doggie pet?? Loved all your choice of pictures that illustrated your lovely heartwarming post.The pictures look very much like my dear JUju the basset hound with those extra long ears.The kitty , the birdie and the fishies were cuties too! If you can dig up those old pictures of Jimmy it will be a treat to see them and they will have pride of place here.
Hi Yummy Custard! Hurry up , we are awaiting the arrival of your dashing twosome and pretty dame....SIMBA BENJI & RUBY. You must be having a superb collection of all your dearies ....hop in and join sooooooon! Wooofs and Waggies from R & J.
Hi prkrish Superb pictures of your dear cat and kittens. Is this the cat you wrote about earlier and the kittens you had to give away? They are real beauties.She is posing so confidently ....like a Bollywood or Kollywood actress!! The sweet kittens.... she is feeding them with such devoted maternal love ...loved the look on her face as she looked up ...almost saying ..Hey do not disturb ....a mother is at work !! So good of you to share those pictures here.