It is very true that it's human to criticize like 'To err is human'. However, what has to be pondered is that most of us are consciously ignorant of the fact that it would become inhuman to express unfair criticism. For that matter, it has become fashionable in the present trend to criticize every one and anyone for no prominent reasons with of course unfair senseless comments. It appears that most of the critics feel great in criticizing others rather than the genuine cause for criticize. It would not be too much to say that applauding and appreciating others in recognition of their efforts for achieving certain things or doing noble deeds or anything which deserves appreciation is slowly becoming passé. Unfortunately, most of us when it comes to appreciate others would remain dumb or appreciate others in recognition very silently in our inner hearts as we really find it difficult to find time to pass the comments through words of our mouth or in written form. In other words, when it comes to criticizing others, we find rather we make time to hurl words at others lavishly and become stinger when it comes to appreciate or applaud others. Perhaps, criticism has become the way of life like in politics and is the present trend. For instance, the social servers were never given a word of appreciation in spite of their efforts in doing noble deeds and sparing their valuable time for the social services with humanitarian bent of mind. Instead, we all will be ready with full of spirits to spew adverse comments when something goes wrong in organizing or presenting their deeds. To cite another example, let me tell you about snippet of a journalist. A journalist and a columnist have been penning articles for few years in a magazine. Most of his articles were touching and reflections of the societal problems. Once many readers expressed their difference of opinion with the columnist's and in a way criticized his opinion aired in one of the articles and surprisingly it was the time when they all revealed that they all are regular readers and fans of his articles. Incomprehensible fact is that we humans, more in the present time, react very fast when it comes to criticize others while remain inactive when it comes to appreciate others. Is it jealousy or egoism or sadism what is that which is holding us all back when it comes to appreciate others is the matter to be seriously pondered over. Surprisingly, while criticizing, the critic considers himself/herself as an enemy to the person at the receiving end and spew insensible words forgetting the basic reasons for making criticism. Agreed, when we perceive certain things in a different angle we like to express our views which can be certainly done in a more polite way rather than in inhuman way. It's long since we had come across the polite way of expressing criticism using the words like "I beg to differ". Let us remained that the object of criticism is that to express our perception and to point out the error if any committed by the person subjected to criticism. The best critic is that one who makes the person at the receiving end to ponder over his mistake and make amendments. It would be inhuman to criticize others with unfair remarks with the object just to tarnish the image or popularity of the others. Let's be humanly while criticizing others as its human to criticize and not become inhuman by criticizing just for the sake of it. DURGA RAVI MUSCAT.