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Is Every One Unique?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by jayasala42, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Unique is inborn in nature and all its creations - animate or inanimate.
    An object's behaviour is the result of sum total of all resultant particles it holds .
    Every single object alone among the others is due to the effect of Unique. So in a way it's confined itself in an island.

    A fully unique man can't exist, sans society, compassion, love and all other virtues. In such a condition he may turn an egoist or a demon(a cruel dictator).

    In the Universe everything is unique. This is a phenomenon inbuilt in every thing : animate or inanimate. Every individual entity is independent and has full freedom. Man is also independent himself in all aspects. When all individuals are independent, the society cannot be free and are prone to chaos and disharmony. In this condition the modern man's dream of nations without borders and his existence as a world citizen will remain only in dreams.

    Man or any entity in any race is an assembly of innumerable components smallest being atom. All human organs and faculties are again an assembly of atoms.When an atom by its own nature is free and at random, the organs that are formed by the atoms are also free and the sum total of the final product (the man) is also free. All the aggregate thus formed are bound to be flexible and unstable. None of these results is identical in other units. All the small units and atoms are innumerable and capable of interacting between themselves in several permutations and combinations and the situation becomes unique.
    No aggregate product
    is identical. However a few of them (they are in millions) may have some near identical characters. Those aggregate (persons) will have some semblance of unity.
    If you want a part perfect in dimension and accuracy and if it's achieved, no other part can take this unique position because this part is assumed to be of zero error (Unique factor)
    This may be due to material defect(unique formation in its metallurgical texture) or defective process in fabrication, inaccuracy of the machine and tools due to wear and tear etc. Dexterity of the workforce and his energetic variation and fatigue is also a factor to discern. In our present industrial world the intellectuals found a way to tame the zero error. The parts that are slightly defective too may be made useful in case the part is functionally acceptable. This is achieved by limiting the error (tolerance level) conventionally acceptable by a team of skilled engineers using special gauges as a medium of measurement. No standard measuring devices can be used to measure parts in isolation due to their accuracies and huge quantity.

    For example a simple finished steel rod 50 mm. diameter and length 75 mm. required a thousand pieces.
    As these pieces demand high accuracy, precision instruments are to be used for checking each piece. This is tiresome and time consuming. By employing gauges the dimensions on the parts are within the allowable deviations. These parts are defined as zero error parts. This is a compromise between fabricational ineptness and quality control.
    High quality automobile cars are produced and marketed by companies of repute.They claim that their products are zero error range and undergone rigourous quality control and endurance tests. Due to the impeccable reputation, products are sold like hot cakes. The cost and the conditions stipulated and the warranty are same.

    Perhaps Utopia may be visible in the horizon. When we discuss every organism under the ambit of the unique factor, can the virus be excluded? They are perpetual challenge to the pharmaceutical industry, medical fraternity and general public at large. They change their behaviour and shape in such a way that they are unrecognizable with their technique of mutations (similar to the term applied in mathematics).

    A reputed pharmaceutical company had expressed their limitations in combating the common diseases to the extent that their popular generic medicines are incapable to offer succour to more than 40% of their patients, a fallout of the latent unique factor.

    So far no mention is made about a non-unique factor. If it exists every thing will be identical. Every object loses its potential. Human beings in that situation lose their Egos and all virtues and evils. He has no social life and no action to perform. Perhaps this may be the character prevailing at the seat of Supreme Spirit

    True, DNA is different from person to person and
    every one in unique in his/her own way.
    But it is certain that Human DNA is 99.9% identical
    from person to person
    It is also true that although 0.1% difference doesn't
    sound like a lot, it actually
    represents millions of different locations within the genome
    where variation can occur, equating to a breathtakingly
    large number of potentially unique DNA sequences.
    But this fact cannot be taken as proof for non equality.
    The entire scientific laws and mathematical equations are based
    on similarities of transaction alone.
    The atomic theory itself is more based on SIMILARITIES only.
    The earth and all the planets are
    revolving around the sun for millions of years without any variation.
    The pragmatic successful life depends on how much you concur to the unavoidable deviations in life.
    If uniqueness has to be identified, the entire legal structure would become invalid.All mathematical formulae and equations , all pharma products with
    exact percentage of constituent chemicals will become meaningless.
    Instead of considering every human being as unique we may better consider traits essentially unique to all human beings on which all the Laws of the Land have been enacted.
    "In law, a legal person is any person or 'thing' (less ambiguously,
    any legal entity) that can do the things a human person
    is USUALLY able to do in law – such as enter into contracts, sue and be sued, own property, and so on. The reason for the
    term "legal person" is that some legal persons are not
    people: companies and corporations are "persons" legally speaking (they can legally do most of the things an ordinary person can do), but they are clearly not people in the ordinary sense."
    Even the Law of Human Rights is based on this fact.
    Though the 'uniqueness' can be recognized,it should never be allowed to stand against justice.

    Jayasala 42

    Viswamitra likes this.

  2. aks12

    aks12 Bronze IL'ite

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    Everyone is unique but attaching "uniqueness" to legality doesnt always make for drawing smooth parallels.
    indubalram likes this.
  3. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    I do not what sums up uniqueness but it is definitely not being perfect. Everyone is unique but no one is perfect. As social animals, we are bound by certain norms for survival.
  4. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes.law recognizes only uniformity and not unique traits of each individual.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Smt. Jayasala:

    Thank you for comparing and contrasting the uniqueness and uniformity applicable in general for all inanimate and animate. Yes. Every atom to the largest animate and inanimate objects are independent and allowed to function free to create a sum total of the universe. What makes it more interesting is their bonding and ability to coordinate with each other performing their roles to make it whole. Every organ in our body consists of many atoms have a role to play but when it works collectively with others make it meaningful for life to exist. Each one of them can function independently but can't exist all by itself without bonding with other. This subatomic principle is what is said as a spiritual principle that it is love (bonding) that creates, sustains and eventually allows merger with the higher principle.
  6. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you Viswa.In general I understand and appreciate the uniqueness of every atom.But the performance is unified and is bound by the common law of the nation which is no way connected with merger with the Almighty at a distant point of time, after so many births.Do we have to give so much importance to the unique trait setting aside the uniformity which is deemed more important in day to day transactions?

    Jayasala 42
  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Smt. Jayasala:

    Human mind limits everything to only what it sees, touches, smells, tastes and feels. Laws are only one part of life and there are many parts to living. I am not sure how unified performance is linked with common law of the land. The laws are created only to have a common understanding of the societal discipline that are needed in our functioning in this world. Unified performance is independent of the law of the land. Still human beings have the freedom to function and all disciplinary procedures takes place only post-facto. But it is imperative that all lives will have to comply with unwritten principles of life to coexist which is what I referred to as spiritual principle. For example, continuing human mishandling of carbon emissions will eventually result in atmospheric temperature rise, melting of snow mountains, rise of sea levels, creation of a hole on ozone layer and eventual extinction of all lives in this planet. Whether there are laws or not, some of this peaceful coexisting philosophy should be well understood and practiced by all human-beings as other beings are complying with it. There are no written laws for other lives but they are living by the standards set without expectation of someone enforcing the discipline.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
  8. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you Viswa
    Jayasala 42
  9. aks12

    aks12 Bronze IL'ite

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    There are certain unspoken laws including those of karma. This is another topic in itself.
    Viswamitra likes this.

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