Hi everyone.. My sister delivered baby boy this october c-sec. I have few doubts, 1. Doctors asked to use Johnsons baby products and all the items which we use for babies like kadala maavu (bengal gram powder while taking bath, )or sambarani (after head bath) must be avoided... -- How you people are managing this.. do u use these old methods(using natural products) or only using baby products 2. Is there any difference between the babies delivered using c-sec and normal .. do we need to avoid such things just because that kid born in c-sec? , my sister had c-sec due to baby's overweight and she was unable to bear the pain... she too overweight. 3. is it true that the mother must not take prasava legiyam or such things because she had c-sec? give your experiences friends...
Hi My sister delivered her both kids the c-section way she took dasamoolarishta and sambrani for baby we used kadalai maavu too... I think you should ask the doctor why he/she is asking to avoid those (For i think he might have adviced based on patients diagnosis) if not satisfied go for another doctors opinion...
@dhivya Each doctor is different. Some doctors are ok with using natural products, some are not. When the weather is cold, bengal gram powder tends to cause dryness. So doctor might have been against using it. Nowadays it is difficult to get pure sambrani. The sambrani that we get in regular stores has chemicals. So some doctors are against it. One can get pure sambrani from nattu marundhu shops. They are expensive though. My friend had a c-sec and she took the legiyam. The traditional legiyam consists of ingredients that help in healing. So it is good to have.