Indian-american Relationship

Discussion in 'News & Politics' started by Viswamitra, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    This video gives some deep insight into what can be expected in India-America relationship. Even though I don't agree with a few comments here.

    1) President-elect Donald Trump is a businessman and he is not going to jeopardize the relationship with India totally as India is a good alternative in Asia to stop China's growth which the US considers as a direct thread to their economy.

    2) There will be a lot of pressure from various industries in the US to consider India as a manufacturing hub in place of China as India has the capabilities in manufacturing and exporting various goods. But to do that successfully, American goods sold in India should be exempt from Tariff.

    3) Trump considers India as a strategic partner and plays a major role in Asia and hence he might even have India sit in the Security Council to balance out China in the Security Council.

    4) Trump is also considering to substantially increase production of oil in the US and India could be a great market to sell the oil.

    5) Trump will not rush into restricting the H1B Visa as his policy as there will be a lot of pressure from IT industry in the US not to do so.

    However, the following changes Trump would expect from India:

    1) India should consider the US defense supplies as a priority in their military equipment purchase. This has been a sore point for the US even though they gave an olive branch by giving GE Engine technology for India to product their own military supplies.

    2) India's position to create an alternative currency to the US dollar is a big irritation for the US and India should go slow on this process as Russia has already decided to sell oil in US dollars going forward.

    3) In Telecommunication area, India's policy not to use Satellite broad band might be an issue as Elon Musk would like to sell this into India. Elon is also ready to set up productiion facility for Tesla in India as long as India allots the land and don't snoop into his production facility to see what kind of research he is planning to do.

    Kindly share your thoughts.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2024

  2. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    We can only hope and pray for things to go well.
    Thyagarajan and Viswamitra like this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Satchi,

    In my view, the US and India are natural allies even though they call it as strategic partners instead of allies. India doesn't like to be called so because allies mean something else in the US vocabulory and India likes to have independent foreign policies. India diaspora in the US is pretty strong even though they don't talk publicly like what the video above said but they do have a strong influence in every government. Major public companies' leaderships are manned by the Indian American community. Even Congress and many administrative positions in the government are filled with Indian American people. Indian caucus in the Congress is the second largest next to Israel caucus across the aisle in both parties. I don't expect the relationship to dramatically go wrong quickly.
    chanchitra and satchitananda like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Here I worry about monks predictions. Quote from quota.
    When Trump was attacked in 2024, people linked this incident to Baba Venga's prophecy because when the attacker fired the shot, a loud sound suddenly echoed. After this, when Trump touched his ear, there was blood on his hand.

    Baba Venga had said about Trump's illness that after falling ill, Trump will not be seen in any political events because gradually his health will deteriorate and eventually Trump will fall victim to a mysterious serious disease. However, according to the information so far, Trump is not suffering from any such disease which may have fatal consequences in the future, but if Baba Venga's prediction proves true, then there could be chaos in American politics.

    I posed the query about future to MetaAI:

    A query About future of the world vis a vis predicted by Baba Vanga and Nostradamus i asked response from meta AI.

    It said Quote (.)
    these are two famous prophets known for their eerie predictions. According to Sky HISTORY, Baba Vanga predicted several events that came true, including the 9/11 attacks, the rise of Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and the assassination of Indira Gandhi. She also predicted that a new conflict would erupt in Europe in 2025, and that scientists would discover a way to harness brainwaves for direct communication, making human telepathy a reality .

    Nostradamus, on the other hand, is believed by some to have predicted Donald Trump's presidency 400 years ago .

    One of his quatrains describes "the great shameless, audacious bawler" who would be elected governor of the army, which some interpret as a reference to Trump's presidency.

    Some of Baba Vanga's other predictions for 2025 include:

    - *Alien Contact*: Earth will make contact with extraterrestrial life during a major sporting event .
    - *Medical Breakthrough*: Scientists will perfect the process of growing human organs in laboratories, extending life expectancy for millions.
    - *New Energy Source*: A mysterious new energy source will be discovered, providing clean and limitless energy.

    While these predictions are intriguing, it's essential to note that the interpretations of Nostradamus' and Baba Vanga's prophecies are often subjective and open to debate.

    Would you like to know more about Nostradamus or Baba Vanga's predictions?(.) unquote

    I AM WORRIED STIFF as metaai did not mention about the rest of the world harmony or chaos vi’s-a-vi’s these eerie ones.
  5. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    While I keep a watch on astrological videos on YouTube, I only retain the info to compare with outcome. While I have seen around 90% accuracy, 10% do not come true. So it is still as good as flipping a coin. It is more a matter of interest than a determining factor.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  6. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera IL Hall of Fame

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    Indo-US relations or relations between two countries depend on each country's national interest.
    As for preferring India over China, that is possible when China sleeps. India is importing from China as is the USA. The reason is price. Will India be in a position to compete in price? the answer is no. The simple reason is a type of Government.
    godsgp and Viswamitra like this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    I read somewhere in media that Trump threatened already the nations aligning with terrorist nations or the nation against Israel would face enhanced tariff.
    HariLakhera and Viswamitra like this.
  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Bureaucracy is strong in India despite open market economy adapted in 1991. China went to open market much earlier and hence moved faster to get to where they are at. Even though business friendly environment exists in both countries, China has a complex legal system and more complicated form of government whereas India has a British styled legal system and laws and an easier form of government. Labor cost is cheaper in both countries when compared to any western country in the world. Both countries artificially manage the value of their respective currencies instead of making their currency convertible openly.

    However, I strong believe engineering talents is dominant in India and skillset needed for manufacturing in India exists. In fact, this skillset is what is predominently used now in IT industry. There is so much similarity in coding processes when compared to manufacturing processes.
    HariLakhera likes this.
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    There are so much published information but one can never predict what Trump would really do. I know he is transactional and with control of Executive, Senate, and House, he can do wonders. Supreme Court has 6 Judges who are conservative.

    He said he would force Pakistan to release Imran Khan and is extremely friendly with Pakistan as well. The US intelligence knows all about Pakistan harboring terrorism but still he considers Pakistan as a friendly country. Only consistent foreign policy would be to protect Israel as Jewish lobby is the strongest in the US congress and destroying Iran's nuclear ambitions.
    HariLakhera and Thyagarajan like this.
  10. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera IL Hall of Fame

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    The long-term goal may be to merge Palestine with Israel.
    As for terrorism, the old saying still holds good-everything is fair in love and war. The means may differ but the end is the same-attacking with full force or hit and hide.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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