can anybody suggest good iit jee training institute in chennai. i would like to put my son who is presently doing his xth cbse for two year coaching. does anybody have any experience with such institutes ? is it necessary to go such institutes in order to make it to the iit.
Hi Revathi, You can contact Brilliant Tutorials for coaching classes. They have been around for ages. Coaching does help devote time for the specifIc purpose and ensures better results. Good luck to your son.
hi, thanks for the reply. i saw brilliant tutorial website,they have only weekend classes. i think weekend classes they have started only recently otherwise they provide postal coaching only. can anybody provide information about fiitjee or time or anugraham classes?
Hi Revathi, You can find more info about FIITJEE at FIITJEE. Recently they conducted a common exams for stduents from 7th goign to 8th, 8th to 9th, 9th to 10 & 10th to 11th. This was basically to rate the students for their selection to their coachign classes. My son is in 7th going to 8th and we had let him take teh exam with the sole purpose to see where he stands against the competition. I believe they conduct classes for NCST for children going to 8th. For other children, they conduct classes for prep for IIT. You can get more info from the site as well as by approaching them in person. I would like to put forth one more viewpoint - this is regarding your query - it is required to undergo such classes for getting into IIT. I believe that if a child has the right aptitude, strong basic knowledge in core subjects and willingness to work hard, then it is not important to go thru such classes. He / She can get thru them if they work hard on their own. However, these classes train the students on how to attack differenet sets of question paper, time management etc - which would help them in the final run. Also it is important to see if the chidl has the ability to go thru the grind - which is preparign for the IITJEE. I have seen (personally) many students who had IIT JEE as the sole target and finally losing track of the targets in all the other entrance in addition to JEE too. There are very good engineering colleges like NIT's and other excellent state run one slike COEP(Pune), JNTU (AP), BITS etc. So it is important to have the right goal. Hope this helps. Cheers