Isn't that an achievement too. Being a homemaker and living happily. Maintaining the boat steady is also a task, isn't it?
Yes I agree but she couldn’t make anything professionally! Ofcousre it’s her choice! I wonder why she spent day and night on her studies!
Maybe that's the reason why she is able to be a homemaker. She did the mental exercise earlier itself! I am not against a woman having a career, but I think maintaining a balance between profession and home is a big challenge. Also, I guess, most women and some men too want to call it quits after some time but need to go on for personal reasons.
Quite the opposite here. I used to be a nose-to-the-grindstone, burning-the-midnight-oil kind of student. Now, I wish I had relaxed a bit and made more time for fun. I guess one's definition of success changes over the years. Currently, for me, success is having time to enjoy my family and friends, enough resources for roti-kapda-makaan and, above all, sukh-shanti. .
Found this thread! I think I am here right now.I could have done more.I was a high ranker throughout and and immensely hard working person .A couple of bad decisions and primarily the habit of making others the priority rather than me , especially after marriage,hindered my professional growth. But I have also seen people with lesser ambition and input having made it to the top.So I placate myself by saying that nothing beats destiny. Though I have been a great believer of hustle and hardwork but at age 45 I can't deny that privilege and destiny are the king and queen and they decide one's station.
Indeed. a blank post signify anything or many Things! One can begin achieving things at any age in life. No need to cry over spilt milk. Think KFC.
I wanted the poster to share her experience - which got typed into the body of the quote, hence the post was blank. It's too late to edit now.