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I Am In Constant Dilemma...

Discussion in 'Parents & Siblings' started by SGBV, Dec 9, 2024.

  1. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    I recently came across a Facebook post that deeply resonated with me, reflecting on my complex relationship with my mom. Despite our love, we’ve never been on the same wavelength. She often compared me to others only to put me down, pointing out how I wasn’t as good as someone else—my hair, my skin, my behaviour, or my abilities. Unlike my siblings, who were spared such criticism, I grew up feeling inadequate and even wondered if I was adopted.

    While she supported my education and sacrificed a lot to help me succeed in my career, her efforts were always paired with criticism, making me feel I wasn’t enough. She pushed me to excel in studies, something she didn’t do for my sister, but always doubted my ability to succeed in life. The supports made me feel as if I was disabled.


    Even now, despite my achievements, she downplays my efforts, leaving me with lingering self-doubt.

    Communicating with her has always been difficult despite the fact that I am good at communications and negotiation elsewhere. While she avoids conflicts with my siblings and treats them and their families with respect, she criticizes and undermines me and my family. Her behaviour creates strain, especially now that my teens are old enough to notice the differences and question her intentions. They think their grandmother has zero respect towards me; hence her behaviour towards them and their dad is a reflection of how she feels about me.

    Since moving in to support me after childbirth, her help has been invaluable, and she’s a loving grandmother. However, her influence in our family matters is overwhelming. She monitors my husband, assumes the worst, and shares negative comments with my kids, damaging their bond with their father. Minor disagreements between myself and husband or kids are blown out of proportion, and she constantly criticizes my husband, even suggesting divorce despite my stable and happy marriage. She discusses our family matters with others, leaving zero privacy.

    I’ve confronted her many times, as have my siblings and husband regarding her influence in my marriage life, but she manipulates the situation, leaving me feeling guilty and unable to act. Her fragile health and lack of alternatives make it hard for me to send her away, though her behaviour continues to disrupt my family life. I feel like I am trapped in it, and I have no way out. No one would believe my own mom can cause me this much stress and health issues, and possible disruption in my family life, but for the world she has sacrificed her whole life for myself. I am in self doubt.

    Now in my 40s, the stress and toll on my health make me wonder if this cycle will ever end. I want to celebrate life with my amazing family and career, but her actions often overshadows my happiness, leaving me in a constant state of dilemma.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2024

  2. ProudIndian

    ProudIndian Gold IL'ite

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    Try therapy for your mother. Lot of older people behave weird in old age. They don't understand boundaries. Psychologist will explain her consequences of her behavior.
  3. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    can i ask a question. do not get offended. if you are senior in career and dealing with lot of random ideas , so see as a stranger feedback.

    just for some time, imagine. if this was your Mother in law. she supports your education and everything your mom did. but with the same personality and behavior. think on what actions you will do. i guess that will answer your dilemma.

    my input is just a 3rd party. i also know blood is thicker. but people do not change. it is your call. may be you need therapy on what needs to be done
    SGBV and Rihana like this.
  4. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi @SGBV

    This is a never ending cycle. This is the situation in my house as well. It has hurt me badly earlier even during my pregnancy but after that i have changed the way i handle her.

    Like you, i dont have the option of sending her away nor do i want to. She is the only person who takes care of my kids and due to this i could neither say anything to her lest i seem ungrateful nor say about her to anyone else also.

    So i did the only thing i could...confronting her right then and there. I am sure you do too! But here is the thing, my confrontation is not a choice or pleading, or being rude. Its a simple and firm no.

    I say a stern no. When something happens, i deal with her right then and there. I dont postpone it. I maintain my stance that she is wrong no matter what she says. And that this is my house and not hers, and i ask her to behave accordingly. Yes, my mom is a part of my house but this is my household. I have told her clearly that i love to take her opinions but the final decision on everything is mine.

    Recently she complained about my family issue to my sister when i told her i dont want her to do that. Anyway, the minute i got to know, i was harsh with her. I literally yelled and didnt give her a chance to talk to me at all. I told her that this is the limit and if she does this again, my reaction would be different.

    My mom didnt talk to me for 3 days but later on 4th day she started talking normally. I keep reminding her still every single time when gets a call.

    I am not sure what she does behind my back but as far as i can, i try to tell her to behave in a certain manner if it concerns me or my family. Even if she throws a tantrum, i dont budge from my decision.

    Be stern, be firm and stand by your decision.
  5. paru123

    paru123 Gold IL'ite

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    I am also feeling the same towards my mom. She helps me in so many ways but tries to control me. She is totally against my parenting style. I am very lenient with my kid, but she wants me to be a tight disciplinarian. I agree with her regarding food but can't agree on my kid's play time and study time. She would blindly say that I am spoiling my child. My blood pressure just rises when she starts this topic, which I have told her many times to stop. Now my kid has also started reacting the way I do. She has started getting anger issues. My mom is actually stuck in the 80,s parenting style. She cannot see me sitting idle. I always have to be doing something , either cooking or cleaning. I told her I don't have even half the stamina my mother had, at my current age. I prefer evening walks, but she wants me to be home by 6. The topics of argument are so silly but I just can't control myself. I don't have the patience to explain things to her which obviously she doesn't want to understand. She was not so strict when I was a little girl and she just didn't cared then. I am myself fighting with so many insecurities and learning to win them, and she just adds fuel to my internal fire with her taunting.
    And she speaks normally with my sibling. No teaching or preaching even if wrong. Says don't want to upset, so keeps quiet. I know I cannot make her perfect but I want to have a peaceful co existence. If she doesn't stop, my kid will pick this habit of nagging and arguing even if wrong and not knowing how to respect boundaries.
    SGBV likes this.
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    I have only the following words about love:

    "Love as thought is Truth
    Love as action is right conduct
    Love as feeling is peace
    Love as understanding is non-violence"

    When we are children and we have not yet developed a good level of discrimination, listening to the parents become an extremely important aspect in our daily life.
    However, when we grow up, we have to use our discrimination to make decisions.

    Staying together as one family and a thought associated with that is Love in Truth. One doesn't like to break a family unless it is dysfunctional and hence any act even by a parent that leads to such result is an act of not understanding love in Truth.

    The intention to take very good care of our parents and expressing unconditional love is right conduct. However, not conveying to them how their words are affecting us and our family is not right conduct. It is not enough even if it is communicated until and unless it is received and responded by the defaulting person in a right way.

    How one feels gives the internal peace. When there is a conflict, it is important that we clear that as quickly as possible. Attaining peace is the duty of the individual because that is equivalent to self-love. One should not compromise allowing words that are incorrect to create conflit to this internal peace. A prolonged berating words will indefinitely affect the internal peace and even the relationship to a certain extent. It is in the best interest to resolve it quickly even if it involves tough talk.

    When one loves someone else, we use careful words communicating firm decisions as well. This is Love with understanding. Even a verbal communication is in a way is violence as it has profound impact in one's mind.

    I am sharing this not necessarily for a particular situation explained by the OP but in general, how I feel about situations that are affecting a peaceful coexistence.

    It is always difficult to choose between the mother and the spouse. But it is easier to choose right conduct without choosing one or the other. Even though confrontation is difficult especially when one grew up in cordial setting of extended family, not confronting for a prolonged period of time would affect all relationships. It becomes more complicated when one is grateful for many other actions of the defaulting person. General wisdom is to avoid confrontation and remain silent as much as possible but it creates tension in the relationship in unrecognizable ways. Whether it is the cloth that fell on a thorn or the thorn that touched the cloth, the damage is always to the cloth. Our emotions are susceptable to such constant war of words. We can't keep them in a burrow deep underneath our subconscious mind.
    godsgp and SGBV like this.
  7. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    If this was my MIL, I would politely explain the problem, ask my husband to intervene genuinely and if nothing works, I would confront.
    Like in my case, if confrontation doesn't make any difference, I would simply ask my husband to send her to some other place, especially if she has a DD. Because, in my case my H (the son) wouldn't do anything for the parent, but expect me (DIL) to do everything, including handling the interference and politics.
    But if she doesn't have anyone else to go, I wouldn't throw her out of my home mercilessly.

    But, I would definately stop paying attention to her existence. I would simply ignore her silent treatment, anger, hunger strike and everything. If she gossips, I would not hesitate to be harsh on her. Because I don't love her. So, nothing would hurt me back.
    It's just an annoyance which I can very well handle.

    The problem in my case is that I deeply love and care for my mom. That's the difference

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