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Husband does not want me to go to my parents house.

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by Ria84, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Ria84

    Ria84 Bronze IL'ite

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    My parents stay in the same town. My 2 siblings settled out of country. So my parents stay alone. I visit my parents ONE DAY every week. My husband says I shouldn't visit my parents often. That his house is my house and my parents house is not my house now. I love my parents, am too attached to them. My in-laws too stay with me, they are nice people, but sometimes act passive aggressive. Sometimes their actions make me wonder if I am an outsider in their house. Is it soo wrong to visit my parents?
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  2. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    Sorry to hear!! Ask your husband whether he can be without seeing his parents for months!!? and see what he replies!! If he says no, then ask him why different rules for him and you?!! And in what way you are different!! by the way, do you have sister in laws?!! If so make use of them and ask him!!
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  3. generic

    generic Gold IL'ite

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    Once a week is quite reasonable..nothing wrong..in fact you can even take few days off and stay there once in a while..do not take your husband or in laws approval to go there..because that's something u won't get..many are like that only, they feel that girls should cutoff attachments with their parents n siblings after marriage. Next time you go there, don't ask just tell..as FYI.
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  4. beingloved

    beingloved Gold IL'ite

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    No, its not wrong at all. Never compromise on your parents well being and meeting them for anyone's stupid views. Its your husband who needs to share your responsibility, more so when your siblings are outside country. And he's trying to forbid you too. Never succumb to pressure and do the best for your parents!
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  5. Jas8085

    Jas8085 Gold IL'ite

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    Dont compromise.
    U have a bit of talking to do - ask your husband what equality in marriage means to.him. whenever he talks rubbish like tjat, repeat like a parrot that you love your parents a lot and they are above everyone else to you . Dont get angry or fight. repeat it whever he says it and happily visit ur parents.

    Some men are soo selfish. Does he think marriage is some cattle trade?
  6. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Your husband does not 'want' you to go to visit your parents. Ask him why you are staying with 'his' parents. After marriage, both spouses should have an independent life while providing support to both sets of parents from the outside unless and until it is imperative to live under the same roof. They should be staying in 'their own' home. This is his parents' home. You two still don't have a home of your own. So he can't use the logic of 'his home' is your home. It is his parental home, not 'his' home.

    If you say you don't 'want' your husband and you to stay in your pil's house, is he going to listen? No. He does what he wants and you play along. So if you want to visit your parents, visit them as often as you like. If he owes it to his parents to live with them, you at least owe it to your parents to visit them regularly. You don't have to ask for permission. Just inform.
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  7. kcb

    kcb IL Hall of Fame

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    Not at all wrong...you should have freedom to visit your parents....

    His parents can stay with him, but you should not visit your parents atleast once week?

    This not fair.....tell him that they are still your parents even though you are married, and you have responsibility towards your parents just like he has towards his parents....

    He expects you to look after his parents, then even he should look after your parents....or else atleast he should allow you to look after your parents, to be frank i dont want to use that word " he should allow you to look after your parents"....who is he to allow you? is he your boss or life partner....Tell him to understand the meaning of marriage.....
    satchitananda likes this.
  8. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Op...tell him he is right,his house is your house now...and your parents house is their house.Since he lives with his parents,he does not miss them,but you do not live with your parents,so you miss them.

    Tell him,now I have two sets of parents and it is sad that he does not feel the same about your parents. He should be joining you for the weekly visits,instead he is asking you also not to visit them.

    If he still continues this nonsense,stop asking,just go. Tell him,this is why women don't want to live in joint family.
    Marzipan, BDivya, beingloved and 5 others like this.
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Ria84,

    Is it so wrong to visit your parents?

    Absolute not.

    Your husband should be more understanding of your need to visit your parents as 2 of your siblings settled out of country. He should realize this situation. You have to confront him to understand why he believes going to visit your parents changes your relationship with him and his parents. Tell him, how he would feel if his parents were to live alone and if she prevents him from visiting them even once a week. Sometimes, all it it takes is to make the man understand how you feel instead of worrying about how he is going to react. Let him react the way he wants but he would soon realize he was wrong.

    Ask him, when you look after his parents for 6 days, is there anything wrong in you visiting your parents once a week to just find out how they are doing. In fact, he should have the courtesy to visit them along with you for your dedication to his family.

    I don't understand when men will learn to break the barriers of the tradition and begin living life based on human values and principles? Where is it written that a woman who married to a family should discard her own parents and dedicate her life only for her husband's family?

    I am sorry to say this. Your husband needs to mature a long way to become a man of principle. If tomorrow, you have a daughter who is married, will he accept if she is prohibited from visiting two of you?

  10. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    How long does that visit take, including travel time? Is this a weekend day? If it is happening during the time your husband is at home, then, it takes away from family time, and he is right.

    If you are visiting them during the day, when husband is at work, then, the arguments presented by previous posters come up to support your desire to visit your parents. Theoretically, those are valid arguments. But: you are in a traditional set up, you live with his parents, that house is indeed your house. Solo visits by you weekly to your parents' house can cause discord. I am sorry, but that is how it is. I have seen it in so many cases. More details get shared in personal visits, matters of your house/in-laws get shared with parents, they say something, you come back in a different mood.

    That he sees his parents everyday, your siblings are out of country, etc are not exactly relevant. The main thing is you are willingly/unwillingly living in a traditional setup, and disturbing that will cause discord.

    You will never get his approval. If visiting parents means so much to you, do it without his approval. Do not explain yourself or your reasons too much.
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