Hi, Anudhivi, You open this site, http://picasa.google.com/mac_tools.html.there is a video that teaches you about uploading pictures by using picasa web albums down loader..First you have have to down load picasa web albums up loader.I think the site which I have given to you wii be useful to you.
i have uploaded photos in picasa. but my picasa web page is displaying in hindi. how can i change the language to english? please help.. dhivya
Sign in to your Picasa Web Album. Next to your user name at the top, click the 2nd link. Scroll down the page til you get to the 5th section where you can see a drop-down arrow. Click the drop-down arrow, then scroll up until you find English, then select it. Scroll down the page to the bottom where you'll see 2 buttons. Click the button on the left (to save the Settings). You should see everything in English now. I got this answer from the web.. I am not using picasa web album down loader.Please try and tell me .I hope it will be of some use to you.
yes mam. wt u said was correct.i changed the web page to English. also after saving photos in the web in the "my photos" column, how to change as "dhivya's gallery". have any idea abt that. dhivya
Hi, I want to delete the photos which i have posted in the album in picasa. can anybody tell me how to remove it. Thanks & Regards, R.Sangeetha
Hi, Sangeetha, When viewing all photos in an album: 1. Click the Edit menu above your photos. 2. Select Organize and Reorder. 3. Select the photos you'd like to move. To select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key while selecting photos. 4. Click the Delete button. 5. Click OK to confirm and delete. When viewing individual photos: 1. Click the Edit menu. 2. Select Delete this photo. 3. Click OK to confirm and delete. I hope this information will be of some use to you
Hi, Dhivya You can change the title, date, description, place taken, and privacy settings of your Picasa Web Albums account at any time. Just follow these steps: 1. Log in to Picasa Web Albums at http://picasaweb.google.com using your Google Account username and password. 2. Select the album you'd like to edit. 3. Click Edit in the top navigation bar and choose 'Album properties.' 4. Update your album. 5. Click Save Changes when you're finished. bye bye