Hi I don't know if this is the best section to ask but would you know how to take out nazar of a baby? I feel my baby has drishti, he cries for hours in evenings for no reason. Thanks NM
He probably has colic, very common for infants between the ages of 1 month and 3 months. My son would cry like clockwork each night from 10pm - 11pm, I could set my watch by his crying. There is really nothing you can do, you just have to wait it out for a few weeks. to remove nazar, take a glass of water, make circles around his entire body clockwise 7 times, then throw away the water in the glass into the kitchen sink without looking at it. this is the easiet way to remove nazar.
I agree with PP. It must be either gas or colic. If it is colic then there is nothing you can do other than to just ride it out. Your baby will outgrow as he grows older. This is what I do to take out nazar. I take some salt (1 spoon) in both hands and turn each hand clockwise and anti-clockwise around baby's head while verbally telling the evil to go away. Do it 3 times then throw the salt in the kitchen sink and wash your hands and just dab LO's eyes and feet with wet hands. And then wash your hands again. I learnt this from my Mom and for some reason this works for my baby. I usually don't believe in such things but then I also don't question certain things. BTW, how old is your LO?
to take off nazar, take a pinch of vibhuti in your fingers, round up on him and blow it off in sink. do not expose the child to anyone or upload babys picture anywhere to avoid nazar
How we do it take a pinch of salt and a dry red chilly , turn it clockwise near baby's face and body (we say a drishti poem in our language basically asking all the drishti to go and good health and fortune to come ) and throw it in the sink (in India, throw it in a flame and when the chilly would crackle , it meant the nazar has gone Sometimes when I feel a bad vibe I just sit in front of God, meditate and ask him to protect my family from any negativity and evil. I experience a lot of peace doing that ..
we also do it exactly like mridusudha.. PinksandBlue..we used to do it with both salt and red chilli..then someone told us not to use red chilli for small kids..
fussy evenings are very common with children - it is like our four o'clock sugar low and has nothing to do with drishti/nazar/evil eye. kellymom.com :: Cluster Feeding and Fussy Evenings Your baby's behaviour is very, very normal.
I agree with tikka. My mom used to do this when Laya was small. She used to take salt and chilly and mustard and do the clcokwise rotation 3 times and put it in fire (here she put it in the redhot pan). Once my husband who was already frustrated with the cries saw this and gave a stern warning that we are not going to do this anymore. I felt sorry for my mom and my husband too. But since then my mom also didnt do it.
I remember some experienced moms here suggesting not to give gripe water. If I remember correctly they were quoting some recent researches.