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How To Store Big Suitcases In Upper Cabinets In Bedroom

Discussion in 'Home Decoration & Improvement' started by pihu123, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. pihu123

    pihu123 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi everyone,

    We have very big suitcases with us.Can anyone here guide me how to store the big suitcases in upper cabinets in bedroom as these days apt sizes are decreasing very much..As whenever we are trying to put them inside some little portion of it is showing outside and we are not able to close the cabinet properly?In India how you all make more storage? How can we make drills in our rented house without drilling? In apartments owners of the house dont allow to drill anywhere? Please help me somenone..

  2. AkilaMani

    AkilaMani Local Champion Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Pihu,

    You will have to try keeping it either vertical or horizontal whichever way it fits properly. Here in SG there is no buit-in loft/upper cabinet at all. All rooms come with only four walls. Many homes have a bomb-shelter which is used as a store room or pooja room. What I have learned staying here is to have only items that are functional, so that not much is kept in storage. So getting rid of things that we do not use will make room for things that do get used and are serving some purpose.

    Best wishes.

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