Hi Ladies, I often have problem regarding PM. I dont know what to delete and what to keep and every time it becomes full and i have to delete few. I want to keep some of the messages as it contains address and other contact details. Am i not understanding something? How do u ladies manage? Bala
dear bala, there are options apart from delete, u can copy it in ur folder, and save it in ur document and then delete it..sunkan
Dearest madam Thank u very much for the information, even iam facing that problem and without knowing this option, used to delete all latamurali
hi bala, When you subscribe for email intimation you get one copy into your email account... you can keep track there and delete it here....if you want to keep it.... hope this helps...
Sunkan & Shanvy, Thank you for coming in to give the options available. Balamotwani & Latamurali, We have kept the limitation of stored messages in PM to 50 to enforce the discipline of clearing messages now and then. Otherwise, it becomes like a junk mail folder with all messages (needed or not) sitting there occupying storage space. As some of the members have suggested, please use the options to download the messages to your computer (in the form of a text file) or subscribe for automatic email notifications of PMs that way you store them in your emails. To download, scoll down below to the bottom of the private message page. You will see option 'Selected Message' with a drop down box and Go button. There choose 'download as text'. Before that select the messages to be downloaded by checking the square box next to each message in 'inbox' as well as 'sent items'. Similarly, go to UserCp (2nd menu in the above purple bar) and explore options there on how to subscribe for email notifications of PMs.
Thanks for the feedback. Will try to manage well. Is it not a good idea to have a address tab in the PM where we can write phone nos and contact details for Ilites. Thanks Bala