Hi IL's, I'm fair and I don't have any pimple marks in my skin. My only problem is, I have hairs in my face which reduces my complexion. Can you please suggest me some home remedies to remove my hair in my face. ( its not so urgly and not so lengthy) Thanks,
Hi Uma, Apply a paste of payatham mavu or Kadalaimavu, Kasthurimanjal and raw milk on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash with warm or plain water. While milk is a good cleanser, manjal + mavu has the effect of removing hairs. But then it takes sometime for the effect to show. You've got to be a bit patient. But it is worth trying and is safe. Regards, Nandhita
hi i can suggest u one solution.Its BLEACHING.it bleaches the hair & makes the hair on ur face into ur skin colour.hence the hair mixes into ur skin color.So it doesnt look for u that much odd on ur face.I thnk this is the best solution instead of removing the hair. k all the best!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers
hi , I too had the same problem ...I am fair but have tiny cat hairs on my face which would not known to everybody but when we see deeply into the mirror the hair would be known ..I applied wheat flour +milk to face for 5-10 then i would wash my face ..This wheat flour makes our tiny hair bleached sometimes that tiny hairs falls down ...but for one day you could not see the results apply it for one month ...within that months you would notice improvement in face complexion also ..
Apply Honey with lemon and leave on face for 10-15 mins daily.... This is a natural remedy for bleach........ within 1-2months your skin will glow and the hair visibility is almost nil......
No thanks Julia ... Creams may not stay longer its just stay for hour or minute home remedies would not affect our skin ,It lasts longer and saves our money lol..
Take 1/2 tsp of granulated sugar plus 1 tsp of fresh lemon juice and softly rub this on your face untill the sugar gets dissolved. ( or according to your skin as some may have sensitive skin) you will surely see the diff after few attempts. Good luck !!