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How To Feel Entertained And Fulfilled Without Friends?

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by anika987, Apr 25, 2021.

  1. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    I understand happiness lies within ourselves etc.

    However..sometimes I miss having friends with whom I can have a good time,speak my heart out.

    After a certain age..it is tough to find friends that way and even otherwise they all have commitments which keeps busy.

    I used to enjoy travel and going out with friends younger.

    Secondly..finding it tough to have friends with our wave length.

    I just felt a bit low when I saw pics in Facebook where I saw some friends back in India even in this covid time traveling, having good food,pics where they laugh and have fun.

    I miss it.I miss the good times where I used to hang out with friends.I miss the times where we will eat junk food and watch a good movie and laugh from the heart out.I really really miss it!

    I also miss going out on a vacation with husband also and worst it I cannot even share my happiness with anyone in the family.

    I sometimes feel very empty without good friends in my life..abroad life is also lonely.

    I am not unhappy and can occupy myself but I really feel empty without good relationships..

    Done with my journaling for the day..
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2021
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  2. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi, it’s same situation with me also...I really crave to go back in time and enjoy college life again...hanging out with friends, hanging around in malls and watching movies and eating out, having crushes on cute guys...hehe..
    Frankly, I did not appreciate my friends that much when I was younger..but some years down the lane. I found how tough it is when we don’t have people of our age group to confide in, to chill out with.
    Actually I didn’t deliberately distance myself, it’s just that all of them moved to different cities and countries for higher studies, jobs, marriage etc. atleast once a year I could catch up..
    Still, when I was working, I managed to make a few work buddies of my age group and we could have lunch together at the cafeteria, team lunches etc.
    But, I had to leave my job and lost touch with them.
    Then, i managed to get friends in my apartment complex, ladies of my age group and older too..could hang out and gossip with them while walking in the evening...
    But, due to Covid, everyone is indoors and busy isolating themselves.
    More than a year since I met anyone.

    So only way to stay in touch with friends is through social platforms and chatting..
    Same case with my husband, early years of marriage we used to hang out with this friends often and he was a much more easy going and fun loving guy...but since few years his friends too are busy with commitment , rarely he could meet them and he only talks on phone. He has changed a lot, isolation doesn’t suit my husband either.

    After a certain age no one has much time and energy to invest in friendships..except for people who are very extroverted and have many like minded friends with kids their age and get along really well..

    Don’t see pics posted by ur friends and think that it’s rosy out here in India..
    Your friends who are roaming around and socialising at this time are taking a big risk at this time.
    KashmirFlower and anika987 like this.
  3. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    How to feel entertained and fulfilled? No idea.
    Current Covid situation makes it tough to socialise and you need to use your hobbies, interests and career to feel fulfilled.
    anika987 likes this.
  4. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    Honestly..I don’t have the physical and mental energy to make the effort with friends lol.I have to accept that.

    Really appreciate women who can tolerate and do weekend getogethers often etc.Maybe they r made that way.

    For me once in a while with one or two comfortable friends going out etc will be fun.

    Personally,abroad if beautiful,clean etc but India for me it is more fun when it comes to road trips and food especially.

    listening to AR rahman music,traveling the hills,drinking hot tea and fried snacks and laughing..:bliss..hmm..
    abc00, Madhurima21 and nandinimithun like this.
  5. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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  6. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    It was indeed a different and a fantastic time, the college days.... The younger me with more energy and enthusiasm for things. Now most of my friends are my children's mother....

    I do miss the good old days, but somehow i am liking this too.... It is like a lioness, a lion and their 2 little cubs in their den.

    Unfortunately what happens is, my wavelength does not match, and i not a very interesting person and neither do i love to go out much, so sometimes i wonder what am i really going to contribute in a friendship. I dont stay in touch and not intentionally, but I get held up.

    Sometimes i wonder, what changed and how it changed....
    For now this routine is good and am liking it.
    But hey dear @anika987 if we were in same place, would have loved to be your friend
    anika987 likes this.
  7. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    Aww that’s so sweet!

    Me too!

    I feel we are all very real online and we have our favorite IL’s and we know with whom we can get along etc.

    Unfortunately in the real life..I become quite careful and rigid due to past experiences and so that could also be a reason to reach out and make friendships.

    But school and college days were the best!

    No ego and so flexible! I will be in a group with people and hangout even if I don’t like them.I can never do that now..but the past pain is also a pleasant memory now:)

    I miss the good old times..I can eat whatever I want without worrying about weight!

    The only tension was pimples and why that boy is not looking at me, what dress to wear etc etc, ha ha..

    Cute stuff...

    Now those interests have gone and real life has set in..

    nandinimithun likes this.
  8. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    I am not able to respond to you in a conversation as you have locked your profile.Would like to get to know you more:)
  9. amulya2020

    amulya2020 Silver IL'ite

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    Yes, we can be happy and contended with ourselves but sometimes it gets very boring. I wish I too had few friends around to share and to have good time.
    Staying in abroad, away from family nor any friends around sometime feels like living in separate world to me. (not in a depressive way but very routine and plain life)
    anika987 likes this.
  10. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    True..sometimes it is very routine and mostly I try to keep myself happy by doing things I love.

    However..I do miss the liveliness and energy of life and good friends.life never happens always the way we want anyways :) the missing factor over some things will be a part of everyone’s life some way or the other I guess.
    amulya2020 likes this.

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