My left knee is paining, especially when I put weight on it. I do lot of daily chores that require standing. No one else is able to do this for me. As it is, I am trying to get off work for few days because the walking is too much. But I still have chores at home (luckily I finished them for today, but what about next several days) I looked at knee scooter, but it is for injured foot, not injured knee that needs Rest Ice Compress Elevation
Dr said it it is mild arthritis and when lain goes away, get x-ray. Pain is gone, it’s difficult to see Dr. instead I am making myself do strengthening exercises (in addition to recumbent bike) we all get arthritis, we need to make muscles in surrounding area so we can move with ease.
@SuiDhaaga is this a recurring problem. If it is, have you tried to go glutten free and see if it made any difference. If you haven't tried it and embark on it, you will not see immediate results. You have to be on it for at least 3 months to see if it works.
I was advised for mild arthritis by my Aurvedh physician to take pill twice a day and oil to be anointed over between back of mid thigh to mid calf muscles . Two days gone by.. slightly feeling better. A man standing on a wooden plank for over 6 hours with half hour break for lunch doing heavy ironing of laundered clothes collected from neighbours residing around my building. I asked him why plank? He responded that it will not mar the blood circulation and he would free from cramps and numbness. I asked him what type of plank it is. He told as advised by his ortho-specialist he is standing on Mango tree wood-plank. I remembered my dad who was always squat on a mango-wood-plank for his meal. My mom too wood sit on that was during those days when we had no dinning table. Trust you get some clues from this input. Thanks & Regards.
The only gluten I eat is a slice of whole wheat bread. Now I try to do PT once in morning, once at night.
As an experiment, try stopping that. Also, lot of wheat goes even without our knowledge from noodles, muffin, ice cream, cookies. We have to read the ingredient list. If it would get rid of the pain, I think it would be worth it.