I help my family communicate with their Doctors Abour a month ago I went to Dr appt and was at ease, communicating and making slight jokes. The Doctor was so nice to my family and I that a few days later I took a liking to him. He is plain looking, balding, but his kindness touched me. Maybe it’s his religion (I believe they are related to Amish somehow ). He is married with kids (I trust he is kind to his wife and kids) I may need to ask a follow up question. How do I do this without being flustered and tongue tied (which is different from my at-ease behavior the first time.) I never felt flustered and tongue tied, even when I was married to my evil ex.
Lol, after I posted this message, that same Dr returned my call! Luckily my Uncle was with me. Nit only I asked my original question, I asked other questions my Uncle had. I was able to talk without getting too flustered. I’m trying to be nicer in life, ie not get angry when dealing with health insurance, poor customer service, slow internet, etc It takes a lot of work Then I read in other forums about the things people go through with older family members or infirm spouses. Who knows, maybe deep grief puts things In perspective and make a person more gentle.