Hello Ladies, If you remember we had already polled about the time gap between marriage and kids? Check out here. Majority of the votes said, 'between 1 and 2 years' is the ideal gap between marriage and kids. Now, we thought we will poll about how many kids today's ladies plan to have? Take the poll, post your views about it...
We two, ours two... I would like to have 2 kids - ideally a boy and a girl. But I am not very particular. Whatever they are going to be our kids, right?!
I like twins I would also like to have 2 kids. I like twins very much. But I am already having one kid. Next if it will be twins means, then it will be three. I don't know. Regards sumi
I too like twins! Hi, I too would like to have twins, though I have heard it is difficult to grow twins especially in the early years. I need them to be very identical. I can dress them up the same and have fun wherever I take them.
Atleast three... Including me, we were four siblings and it was lots of fun. Hence, I would have atleast 3 kids, just so that they can have the same pleasure as we did.
Just ONE! These days it's becoming so hard to bring up children with so many things in life becoming a priority. By this I don't mean kids are of less priority, but I would like to strike a balance. So I would safely go with just ONE!
I want a son! I would like two kids. I already have a daughter, I wish I have a boy as my second kid 8)
I would love to have three kids! It is fun to have kids, though growing them in the early stages would be difficult! I wish I have three!
Ours two - to give them everything that is best! In my opinion, I think to give our kids everything that is best, be it financially or morally, we should have just two. Also, growing together they will have mutual love and understanding.
I want a daughter next! I already have a son. I prefer a daughter next. Two kids will really have fun among themselves.