How are we supposed to get over the stress at our jobs and just relax more? I work in the IT domain, and it's a very stressful and competitive one... I have a chaotic schedule, project based, I always have to learn and come up with new things in order to keep up with others... Sometimes I have too much time for myself and I become bored and wanna have something to work on, and other times I just want a break, completely away from my job! Do you know when to stop, when to take a break, perhaps even quit? Would you change your jobs with one less stressful, or do you just love your jobs the way they are, and you would be bored if you'd get a more 'peaceful' one? Do you know when to work less, even if that involves less money? After all, we do need to take care of ourselfes, sleep more, work out, spend more quality time with our families, and so on...
Hi Rashmita, Yes, these days, jobs are stressful in the sense that you need to 'perform and deliver' and always be one-up than the expectations. I personally feel that it is time to stop and take a break if you dont look forward to going to work at all. You'd think of some 100 other things that you can do! If this kind of feeling starts occurring often, I think that is a signal for one to effect a change. Ofcourse, there are other considerations like the financial need, the need to keep oneself occupied, etc. Still, I feel life will become a rut if you continue to do something just for the sake of doing it. Having said that, I know it is a tough decision to just quit. It is true that 'Changes/transitions are never easy and are always accompanied by pain'. But what will help is the knowledge that you are doing something which will make you feel better eventually instead of continuing to be in an unenjoyable environment. Also, the desperation to do something will make one introspect and find out what is really the 'vision' for oneself in life. I also find that women, having been endowed with lot more 'soft skills' are far better off running/doing something on their own. I wish you the courage to discover and pursue something that gives you happiness in life. All the best! Cheers, Sumathy
Hi Rashmita, I guess esp in IT nowadays jobs have become so competive that its become so stressful for most of us. We need to keep enhancing our skills so that we dont become outdated. Also most of times we be buys during some quarters and other quarters we dont have much to do n r bored. Sometimes I feel like taking a break n once I did too but I was not able to stay at home for more than a month n immediately found a new job as I was so bored at home, that I decided its better to go to work. Maybe with kids it might be different. So I really dont know when should I take a break bonk -priya
I am indeed a very stressful person I have been like this since i was in school and i only realized it a few years ago.. When i am too stressed i usually take a deep breath and try to make some order in my thoughts. I know little by little everything will work itself out but until then i know i need patience. It's pretty hard to deal with stress on your own but somehow i can manage it. I know there are a lot of pills and medicine you can take for this, but i do not trust them, i'm afraid of pills shakehead
I also get a lot of stress and I realize it's not good for my life. I try to relax from time to time and listen to my body too. Having a hectic work schedule means I have to be more careful with my spare time, with getting enough sleep and eating properly. Only in this way I can manage the workload and also keep my sanity
The best way to destress would be doing something that brings a smile back to your face and makes you feel light ! Coping with stress is an art and each one needs to look into her self, to figure out ways and means to diffuse stress. When I return from work, I make sure I put the TV on mute, I hate the loud sound of TV and the serials, etc. I love to listen to soft music, old songs, etc thats soothing to the ears. I avoid too much of talking and loud, noisy discussions, as this adds to the load on my mind. Also we should never bring back the office workload to home and work from home too. Thats a very bad sign of work-stress management. Draw the line between work and home very strictly. Relax with activities that make you feel relieved of stress of the day. Some amount of exercise is an absolute must too, yoga, aerobics, walking, etc as it help to keep the body and mind fresh and stimulated. Daily food should also be filled with less oily, fatty, sugary, processed foods and should be more of fruits, fresh salads, plenty of water, natural fruit juices and other healthy food. Above all, a lot of will power is required to formulate a regimen on these lines and stick to it. Discover what set of habits suits your lifestyle best, make it a habit, as habits die hard.