Hello Friends, I noticed that some of your usernames are very amusing! Most of your usernames seem to have a story behind it. Why don't you all share as to what your username mean? How did you come up with it? Should be an interesting thread
dear malathy, though mine is a easy one u can say a short form of sundari kannan but yes i felt i was kanned by my guy, hahahahahah negative as well as positive, he had this penchant urge to possess and rule over them, and i had the most independant attitude due to my over authoritarian parents who were very strict and after marriage again another set of it, i just could not tolerate, so we used to have a lot of differences as to who is right in every issue and let me tell u it is too tiring to argue on all issues to be settled...but on the other hand when he made up his mind to woo me, my i should only saw wow, with flowers, a deep rooted attachment that he loved to praise his wife, whether it was cooking, housekeeping, it was a surprise gift for my anniversary and birthday, taking the trouble to cook up a meal... i could go on, even to the limit he loved to apply lipstick when i am dressed....so the independant sun rays got kanned.....hahahaha hope u will smile with this....regards sunkan
I am duty bound to solve Vandhana's suspense about my ID! By now you would have guessed I'm Srinivasan, the run of the mill name. Being the youngest, everone started calling me 'Cheeni'. It was my patti who called me so first because my thatha's name was also Srinivasan! This came to stay as my pet name. When I wanted to create my mail id with yahoo, it rejected cheeni because it was taken already. Yahoo suggested some alternatives with some numbers tagged to my name but I rejected them as they sounded like some Inspector of a village police station calling his 'yettu'!(constable) So I added the first two letters of yahoo to cheeni and became cheeniya to the cyberworld! Sri
Dear sunkan I have always wondered why such a creative and ebullient person like you should have an id that sounded like 'Sunken' spelt wrongly! I rate you on par with the 'Unsinkable Molly Brown!' Remember the great movie starring Debbie Reynolds donning the role of a Titanic Survivor? Now I understand the reason why you chose it. Your romantic mind comes out vividly in your previous post 'How we admire our men' and in all your photoshop creations. But this explanation of your ID not only reaffirms that fact but further extols your deep attachement for your husband who coninues to have a stranglehold on your heart. Yours is a love story of a different kind! May the memory of your late husband be perpetuated through your creativity Sri
Enjoyed reading both Sunkan and Cheeniya's posts about their selection of Id names. I repeat Cheeniya's words Sunkan: May the memory of your late husband be perpetuated through your creativity! Cheeniya ...so you are Srinivasan! You are right...it equates to the Smith and Jones of India...south India. As a matter of fact, it used to be my maiden name, my dad being Srinivas too...he was Srinivas, Srinivasulu or Srinivasan, depending with whom and where he was at that moment Now let me introduce myself. I am Sujata Why Kamla...Although I am not into yahoo or any other web family, I had a penchant to log into the music world of Indiaonline, Raga etc or wanted to read Times of India and other online mags. As I was being warned all the time about spam and other related problems, I decided to use different Id. I was named after my paternal grandma Kamala whom my dad never got to know. All he knew was her name. Although never used officially, I was a proud bearer of her name. Then, years later, I was deeply impressed by a movie called 'Kamla', made by the same maker of Provoked, which is now showing world over. Hence the mutation of the name. It was then to become my ID for all the networld purposes. L, Kamla aka Sujata::wave
How sad,after reading all your posts, I feel like there is no suspense at all in my username:icon_frown:
Sunitha I am there to give u company...:icon_frown: Even i put my name as id... I didnt think of new one coz I thought people should identify me by my name... Gayathri.
Dear All, Chitra + Rajan became chitrajan. I wanted to retain my name and include my hubby's name also. Luckily for me, it worked.:yes:
Dear Sunitha and Gayathri, No need to feel that way. You both have lovely names and your other posts here provide enough fun and thought....Also, that you logged in with your own identities shows the trust you have for our community L, Kamla:2thumbsup:
Hi all, Intersting thread. My Name is Sunitha My hubby name ends with Krishna. I wanted to include my hubby name also as user id. In all other forums i have Sunikris as user id. Here also I came up with Sunikris. & I Love Sunikris name. :wave Sunikris