No surprise on Biden dropping out and the deep state operated puppet to walk in as the Democratic nominee and might even become the president. Is this really democracy and a free country with power to choose. RFK Jr breaks down on how both parties have been taken over by corporate America. American public in their mind can think they live in a democracy, but as Vivek said this is a machine who will put anyone they want and get them to do what they want.
Ok Sir. American corporates taken over democracy and both the parties. Whoever at the helm, will always or ought to be cordial to corporate business first. Once I read some 70 years ago during day time politicians and rulers visit the hamlets and demonstrate their concern for indigents and at the fall of evening with their begging bowls they do perform can-can dance to the tunes with tycoons in ball room ! This universal truth would prevail in future decades too. Democracy during ancient Greeks wre free of industrialisation and globalisation and free of think global and act local.