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Home Remedies For Food Poisoning

Discussion in 'Nature Cure' started by sunkan, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    Keep the patient in bed and give nothing by mouth as long as the nausea and vomiting persist.
    As the vomiting subsides, give sips of some warm drink, such as tea, barley or rice water.
    Gentle heat may be applied to the stomach to relieve spasm or pain and also the tendency to vomit.
    Wash your hands before preparing food to avoid passing on bacteria such as staphylococcus (commonly found on the skin and in the throat) or shigella (passed from fecal matter). Wash again after handling raw meat and eggs.

    Don't eat raw protein food like fish, fowl, meat, milk, or eggs. Avoid sushi, oysters on the half shell, Caesar salad made with raw eggs, and un-pasteurized eggnog. Don't use cracked eggs.

    Don’t tastes test the raw pork sausage stew, the fish chowder, or even the cookie batter before it's done.

    Don't let raw meat juice drip onto other food. It can taint otherwise harmless food.

    Don't leave food at room temperature for more than two hours, and avoid eating anything that you suspect may have been un-refrigerated for that long.

    Don't taste any food that doesn't smell or look right.

    For food poisoning treatment drink fluids as much you can to combat the loss of fluids.

    Scrub counters with warm, soapy water and bleach to combat countertop bacteria.

    Use a plastic cutting board instead of a wooden one. Be sure to thoroughly clean the cutting board after you've finished using it.

    Avoid foods that are fried, smoked or salty as well as raw vegetables, pastries, preserves, candies, alcohol and spices and condiments.

    Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice or cider vinegar in a cup of hot water before a meal to prevent acid indigestion.

    Add three drops of garlic oil to half a cup of Soya oil and rub onto the stomach after food.

    For food poisoning treatment drink an herbal tea of mint, raspberry, chamomile and blackberry.

    Drink one cup of ginger tea after meals to promote a good digestion and for heartburn, nausea, etc.

    Cooking utensils and plates, as well as sponges and dishcloths that were used in the food preparation process, should also be cleaned appropriately.

    Grind a lemon along with seeds and make a paste. Add some salt. Take 1 tsp of this paste 2-3 times.

    Drink 1/2 tsp of dry ginger (saunth powder in 1 cup buttermilk (chhachh) 3 - 4 times a day.

    Chew a few pieces of the inner lining of pomegranate with salt, and/or drink pomegranate juice.

    Prepare a mixture by adding 1 Tbsp poppy seeds, 1 tsp edible gum, 1 tsp cardamom powder, 1/2 tsp nutmeg (jaiphal) powder, and2 tbs sugar, and grind to a powder. Take this powder every 2 hours.
    Prepare a mixture by adding 1/2 tsp lemon juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice, and 1/4 tsp pepper powder and drink it.

    Mix 5-6 chopped basil (tulsi) leaves, 1/4 tsp sea salt, and some black pepper in 3 Tbsp of curd, and eat it. Repeat this 4 times a day for one week. This is very useful home remedy for food pOisoning treatment.

    Roast 1/2 tsp cumin (jeera) seeds and 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds (dana methi). Mix and powder it, add to 4 tsp of yogurt (curd). Take thrice a day. This is also very useful home remedy for food pisoning.

    Grate one raw papaya. Add 3 cups water, boil for 10 mins, strain and finish the water in one day.

  2. lahy15

    lahy15 Silver IL'ite

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    Wow M'am ... Where do you get all these infos... Your tips are excellent and valuable ... Thnks M'am ... Regards Suni :)
  3. alpers

    alpers Bronze IL'ite

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    Very nice.

    Thanks for the tips.Bow
  4. aproop

    aproop Bronze IL'ite

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    Thanx M'am....v useful remedies.............


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