Recently, I was going to see one of my relatives. It was 14th August, a day prior to our Independence Day. There is a school on the way. The school is quite popular in the area and had a fair number of students. It had a big ground in the front and a dais was located in the center of the ground. It was around 3.30 p.m. and I saw the students standing in lines. There were a few students on the dais. Chairs were placed on the dais and the Principal, Head teacher, a Chief Guest and some more teachers were sitting on the chairs. I thought that some function was to take place and just out of interest, I stood at the entrance of the gate where many parents were waiting to take their children home. The Chief Guest stood up and all others stood up. He came to the Centre of the dais and started hoisting the National Flag. He then saluted the flag and went back to his seat. Some of the students then did the march past and some cultural programs like music and dance took place. The Chief Guest then gave a speech on the Independence Day of our country and about the freedom fighters. The function ended with distribution of sweets to the participants. The students then went home with their parents. This is the usual Independence Day celebrations which take place every year throughout the country. It is fine but I have some doubts. Well, my doubt is not on the Independence Day celebrations but on the day of the celebrations. When Government has declared a holiday for the Independence Day on 15th August, why this function is celebrated in some of the schools and some offices also on 14th August itself (and that day is Independence for our neighboring country, Pakistan) Not only Independence Day celebrations but some of the other functions like Ayudha Pooja etc., where Government has declared a holiday, the celebrations take place on the previous day or some days after completion of the function. Is it proper to do so? Is it due to the fact that though people want to get together and celebrate functions, they don’t want to come all the way on a holiday to their workplace? Any thoughts on this, please share.
If I am not wrong, most schools celebrate Independence day and Republic day on the appointed days only. This may be an exception. BTW this year Independence fell on Monday and made a long weekend. Those with deep pockets rushed to tourist destinations.
Any thing that increases the chances of people joining the celebration is proper. On a related note, in the U.S., some federal holidays were moved from their actual dates to the nearest Mondays. This was to increase the number of long weekends for federal employees. Uniform Monday Holiday Act: The Monday holiday dates this act established are: Washington's Birthday: third Monday in February (formerly February 22) Memorial Day: last Monday in May (formerly May 30) Columbus Day: second Monday in October (previously observed only in some states on October 12) Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday: third Monday in January
Near 100 % participation is ensured when celebration is advanced by a day in schools or and colleges and even in some offices. There is no calling right or wrong about it. In the yore of days wedding receptions in hindu marriages used to be fixed only after the event - groom tie the nuptial knot. But nowadays reception first and tieing that three knots behind nape of bride takes place next day morning or by noon. And you know why this practise in vogue. Just convenience and savings. Convenience saving commuting etc weighs such considerations. Some time I think there should be no national holidays. Instead just increase the number of times employees can avail the casual leave. This will result in real socialism no parochial or religious basis holidays to be declared. Why hindus would celebrate Christmas or for that matter pongal by mullas or and Christian's? Afterall india is nation of multi religious faith. Government should remain neutral and the people at helm not to wish a particular religious community on those festival days. This practice cause strain on national infrastructural resources, wastage of national/public time and not at all contributing to GDP. Thanks Regards.
@maalti my above feedback has been slightly amended since you last visited here. While your concern for advancing day of celebration by a day or two is laudable yet the world goes only by convenience and economy. Britishers left us. We are not celebrating their leaving but we celebrate the effort put in by our late leaders, patriotic poets and citizens to regain our “lost Freedom or lost Independence”.