Hi, I have a kid who is little more than 1 year. I have great difficulty putting my kid to sleep. This has been happening right from birth. I have heard that kids when put in a swing will fall asleep due to the movement and the soothing breeze. Aslo, some kids fall asleep listening to soft music. I have tried everything, but it takes more than a hour to put my kid to sleep. This happens during the day time as well as in the night. I also feed my kid full stomach still does not sleep faster. Few days I have tried skipping the nap during the daytime, expecting my kid will sleep early in the night. But in vain, except for the tiredness and cranky behavior that sets in by evening. I have checked with my doctor too, but he says do not force the kid to sleep for some kids need only little sleep. Does anybody have any suggestions? Would this kind of behavior result in any illness like loss of weight, etc.? I am worried this should not become a habit of my kid!
Hi Manju They generally say that till the kid is one yr old,some kids trouble us with eating,sleeping etc. My son is going to be 3.Till about 3 mnths,he used to trouble us a lot with sleeping.Then when we started giving him solid food,he started sleeping a bit longer.Then we started giving him a bottle of warm milk just before going to sleep in the nights.This has helped a lot.Even now,we give him a bottle of warm milk in the nights and he sleeps throughout the night without any problem.We feed him normal food aroung 7.30 pm and then milk around 9 - 9.30 pm.You could try this. Also,if you check with our elders,they might probably suggest that we tonsure the baby's head.In south India,generally the first tonsure is done around the baby's first birthday.It is generally believed that once this is done,the baby's general health improves. Cheers
massage the ears try this dear, put ur baby on ur lap and as u rock a little try massaging his ear lobe where u usually put a earring ....that is the space to put to sleep try and tell me if it works...regards sunkan
Hi Manju, Give more physical activities & make them spend more energy. Massaging the feet will help them to relax & sleep quickly.
tell me about it. mine is horrible sleeper. some times she would wake up around mid night and then takes 4 to 5 hours to go back to sleep. she is two and a half and I am still sleep deprived....
I remember some one in this forum mentioned about a magical point in the forehead which is very effective for kids to fall in sleep. But from my experience how much the level of comfort we can give to our kids the proportional the sleep will be. My DD will fall in sleep very fast if we wash her body with warm water before go to bed. We just needs to catch the reason for our kids uncomfortness..