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Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by Kiran6, Nov 8, 2020.

  1. Kiran6

    Kiran6 Bronze IL'ite

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    Hello Ladies,

    What should i do???/

    I have been staying away ( in a different country )from my in-laws for the last 5 years and life z been good.

    My mother wasn't keeping well. But still to avoid all the drama from my in laws family I choose to stay away from them in a different country. It hurts that I was away from my mother during her last stage of life. And now she is no more ..:cry::cry::cry:... Just to have a peaceful married life i left my mother during her much needed time. But by gods grace I spent last ten months time with her during her final stage of life. Now everything is over .. she left me ,, now I am back here staying with my husband and daughter.... trying to overcome the depression because of the loss.

    Now things from my In-laws starts here.
    Now, my SIL calls my husband and keeps a long face and says that Amma (my mIL) is not doing well . Do something and take care of her. (Please note my SIL doesn't talk to me. ) Several times I have called my mIL to come over here and stay with us. She doesn;t want to stay in our house. But they keep calling my Husband and keep complaining about by MILs health and in turn my hubby wants to leave everything here and stay with his amma. I understand the emotional side. But my daughters education and financial side is stable here and we are also okay to keep our MIL here and take care of her. But my MIL is not turning up here.

    In fact, My MIL is also okay to come and stay with us. I have a feeling that SIL is jealous of our financial growth here and wants us to spoil things and make us come back to country side and live an ordinary life. For this she is using MILs health as a reason.

    Now please advise me ladies, how to handle this. I completely understand my husbands emotion for his mother and I do not want to seperate them,,, but I am also a mother for my daughter and considering our well being in the near future.

    What should i do???/

  2. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Tell him to go alone and be with his Amma.. you and your daughter will stay back here till she’s finishes her studies..keep reminding about his job prospects which are better right in the country where you reside.
  3. Goahead

    Goahead Silver IL'ite

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    Call you sil n show your authority n tell her clearly that she should be telling her mother to move here so we all progress otherwise we will not have the courage n financial means to take care of her
    Also keep your stand n authority n so not bend

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