Dear Meena, Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. And Wish you find all the joys in life . Wishing you many more Happy celebrations in your new home. Love Vandhana PS, We miss you here in IL!!
My dearest Meena ! It is a real pleasure to greet my very special, very close, very warm and very dear friend a very happy birthday. I wish you many many happy returns of today, my very sweet Meena ! I invoke the blessings of our Madurai Meenakshi that you and yours may have total happiness, perfect peace, very good health and abundant prosperity on this day and all days to follow, in your new "dream-house". I also pray that we both become more naughty (with full innocence, ofcourse) with our postings and give all I L ites "reading pleasure "! Plenty of Love, H and K, Chithra.
Happy Birthday! Dear Meena, Wish you all the Best on this very special day. May God shower you with His choicest blessings and give you Health, Wealth and Happiness. Nice to know that you are in your new Home now. This must be the first birthday celebration in your new abode. May you enjoy many more celebrations and festivities and enjoy your lovely home in the company of your dear husband and darling daughter. Have fun Meena and don't go overboard with your naughtiness! If you do, do share with us here, along with that chocolate cake) L, Kamla
Oh, my dear Sujata ! You are asking for too much from Meena ! She will get more naughty today, visiting all her K P s with all the necessary rituals & write to my personal mail, all juicy details ! How can she share it all in the open forum, Sujata ? Meena, chocolate cake for all I L ites & all "interesting celebration details" for C ! Love & regards, Anonymous !
)))))))))))))))))) Youuuu Anonymous! You are simply incorrigible..he he he he......Ok, you get the pm and do pass it on to me...afterall, I am your sweet friend! Love, Kamla
Hey Thats not fair I need to get into the loop for all the juicy details. After all meena, i am counting on you to show me all the KPs in bangalore next year!! Vandhana
Double trouble!! O I C Vandhana! So B'lore needs to be warned what with two IL'ites painting the city red. Well, when all has been seen and done, map it out for others..the next tourist attraction of our famed Bangalore. In the meantime, I wonder what the b'day girl is upto and how many pms C....ahem...Anonymous... has received etc etc.. L, Kamla
May Your Life Be Full of KPs and RPs, Meena! Dear Meena, Wish you many more happy returns of the day. May your namesake, Madurai Meena Madam bless you, Prakash and Deepthi with all happiness, health, peace and prosperity. Not just the geographical Bangalore but your entire life be full of KPs and RPs. May your life in your new abode be happy, peaceful and fulfilling. regards, sridhar Note: Looks like something juicy is going on underneath. Ladies, you are far naughtier than us, men.
This is for you, Sridhar ! Don't ever think, we women, are far naughtier than you men ! Does it not need two hands to clap ? How can we be ever naughty unless you men co operate ? Ofcourse you do it most happily, most willingly & most whole heartedly , enjoying every bit of it, goes without saying ! Meena, see what debate your very name is "sparking off", birthday Baby ? Love, Anonymous !