Dear Latha, Please accept my birthday wishes & blessings ! Pray Goddess Meenakshi blesses you with good health, peace of mind, happiness & prosperity. Love, Chithra. Do we meet this month or in August ? <xml id=yoombaxml></xml>
Hi all, I was away at Delhi to visit my ailing parents. It is such a pleasant surprise to see so many birth day wishes and balloons and beautiful cards! Some ILites have sent PM also. Thanks to all. madhu, sindhuja, padmatvt, slp807, meenu, sunkan, sriniketan, abbatv, abba, cheer, nivedi, puni, vidya and chitvish, A special thanks to all of you and sorry for the belaled reply. This is the first time friends from all over the world are wishing me on my birthday! I am back and will be in full swing from monday. Yes chitra maam we are meeting in august. I first want to down load the new pictures you have posted. Bye, regards to all. latha.