Hi Very valuable information Thanks for sharing..... Will you please give more information on non toxic paints....
Two Indians - Gul Panag and Prasanto K Roy are now proud owners of India's first private GRIHA certified green homes. Kudos to them. Article in today's Hindustan Times (HT Estate) - Delhi Edition. check it out Hindustan Times e-Paper Cheers Saudamini
Nice Thread....Good you have started it :thumbsup Sharing another Green buillding from Amchi Pune....:hiya Suzlon Energy Limited has a LEED and GRIHA certified campus in Pune called 'One Earth'. Suzlon One Earth is 100% powered by a combination of onsite & offsite renewable energy sources. Out of this, 7% of the total energy consumption comes from 18 onsite hybrid wind turbines, solar panels & photovoltaic cells and 93% of the remaining is from offsite wind turbines. Unique features of Suzlon One Earth :- 1) Rapidly renewable materials - Bamboo flooring used at workstations ensure reduced consumption of energy. 2) LED street lighting is completely powered by Renewable Energy based systems located on the site thus reducing approximately 25% of the total lighting load. 90% of regularly occupied spaces have daylight exposure, thereby saving on artificial lighting. 3) Storm & Rain water management system- channels all rain received into a controlled flow, preventing soil erosion and facilitating removal of silt. 4) Minimizing Ozone Depletion – At One Earthair conditioning & cooling systems used are free of Chloro Flouro Carbons (CFCs), Hydro Chloro Flouro Carbons (HCFCs) & Halons (compounds threatening to the protective Ozone layer). The refrigerant used is with zero Ozone Depleting Potential. 5) Energy efficient airconditioning systems that are flexible in cooling as per the type and requirement of space reducing overall power consumption. 6) Enhancing indoor air quality - Sensors & modulating dampers are used in all densely occupied spaces for monitoring CO2 levels. The sensors allow additional inflow of fresh air as soon as the CO2 differential rises above the certified limit. 7) Efficient Sunlight screening - Louvers are designed to provide efficient screening of sunlight without hindering the view thus reducing heat dissipation and aids efficient cooling 8) Sensors - Daylight sensors are used in the workstation area for optimized use of artificial lighting. Occupancy sensors control task lighting in unoccupied workstations ensuring savings of about 20% of energy costs. 9) Efficient ventilation system - Jet fans installed at the basements intermittently push out stale air & bring in fresh air saving 50% energy as compared to ducted basement ventilation system. 10) Low energy materials - More than 70% of materials used in the interiors have a reduced carbon footprint. They ensure higher recycled content; have lower embodied energy, are rapidly renewable. 11) Pervious paving- Interlocking concrete paver blocks used on road surface enable water percolation & control storm water run-off benefiting the water table levels. 12) Company actively encourages car pooling and also has provision in parking areas for charging electrical cars Photogallery
Hi Friends, Go Green to celebrate World Environment Day Today – 5th June Green Economy: Does it include you? • Life is at risk… fundamental requirements for health – clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food changes with climate change. Plant a Tree…! Thanks
Nice write up with detailed pictures! Very interesting and useful information too!! Dear Pallavi, thanks for sharing with us. Keep sharing more info.