Need to know good hotels/restaurants which servers dinner as buffet in and around velachery/OMR? Vacation time.. Relatives and their kids are in home.Since am to new this place .. (Velachery) Let me know?
:welcome to IL family DhivyaVikram Sister, I guess the HOTEL SARAVANA BHAVAN caters to you at OMR (oops Only if you are a VEGETARIAN) Enjoy your dinner with your family, Best wishes...
Buffet options are limited around Velachery.. but we have few options like 1. ITC Grand Chola (But costly though Rs1800/ person) 2. The other Hyatt near Gurunanak Coll 3. MGM resorts on weekends.. it is awesome place 4. GRT in T.Nagar 5. Asiana in OMR
Buffet at Flamingo (abt Rs 260+tax) at Velachery bye pass road is good. I've had there on Sundays...They serve 4 types of desserts too..