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Getting back to sleep - a big problem

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by sravugarimella, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. sravugarimella

    sravugarimella New IL'ite

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    Hi Ladies,

    First of all I should say that this site has been a good friend to me for the past couple of months. Not a single day goes without visiting this site. As I live abroad I haven't really made some good friends yet. So I need a little suggestion as to what you do in this scenario...

    You go to bed in the night, But somewhere in the middle of the night you wake up and you can never get back to sleep. There will be so many thoughts bothering you (nothing serious just silly thoughts) and oh my god! Its Hell.... I am sure there must be many people out there who must have faced this.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as this is becoming a more often thing for me these days... Looking forward to your replies, Thanks Ladies. Have a great day, In the mean while I will try and get back to sleep:icon_frown:

  2. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    dear sravanthi,
    when u get up that way, do ur favourite things like browsing the net, or watching a movie or simply reading ur favourite novel, this will help u get over the alertness and being drowsiness all over, or may be even nice music with earplugs, this will rock u to sleep....hope been of help regards sunkan
  3. smitag

    smitag New IL'ite

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    Any asana which makes you bend forward will help you go back to sleep.I had this problem and I used to do a couple of forward bending asanas and it helped me go back to sleep.Try Balasana,Ugrasana,Padasana or any other asana where u need to do a forward bend.
    Good luck!!:tongue

  4. sravugarimella

    sravugarimella New IL'ite

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  5. puni88

    puni88 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Couple of years back I had this problem, but now with kids, house hold jobs and office work I don't have this problem any more. Once I put my head on the pillow, I sleep like a dead person until next morning. I am not aware of surround aswell. Any remedy for these kinds of problems.

  6. mythili

    mythili Senior IL'ite

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    Don't think of it as a problem that you can't get back to sleep. Instead take it as an oppurtunity to do some reading or something of your interest.
    Eventually you will get tired and fall asleep.

    Also even if stay up late, dont sleep till late in the morning. Wake up in time and dont take day time naps. This should help.
  7. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Sravanthi (your name sounds too good, I was calling it out more than thrice!),

    I have a similar problem though not exactly the same. My problem is, if I sleep well through out the night for about 4 to 5 nights, then the following night I will be awake tossing and turning not being able to sleep atleast up till 2 to 3 am. After that I will get tired and will sleep but the next day used to be horrible - being drowsy the whole day not able to or interested in doing anything :icon_frown:.

    Many of them told me it is postpartum symptoms (I have a 10months old). But I don't think that alone is the reason. I have noticed that I get into sleepless night when something runs in my mind. Like if there is some travel planned in the next 2 or 3 days, or if there is some task to be completed in a day or 2, or if there had been some serious discussion with someone at home just before going to bed, etc. My mind will not be able to rest though the body wants to. As you said, some thoughts will be constantly running (silly ones mostly) and even if I try to medidate or chant a sloka I will not be able to focus and those thoughts will be running.

    To add to this problem, I will consciously worry that I am not able to sleep and the next day is going to be drowsy and that will worsen the situation.

    You might be wondering that I am telling you a more worse problem instead of giving a suggestion / solution to yours. Yeah...when I read your post I felt like opening up my problem.

    On reading about my problem just analyse for yourself if anything like what I mentioned is not allowing your mind to rest. If so, try to cool and calm yourself before going to bed. Like others have suggested don't try hard to sleep. Get out of bed and do whatever you feel like doing. I have felt like cooking many times late in the night (isn't it crazy!).

    One more thing...do not take long naps during the day, keep yourself active in the day so that you get tired and get enough sleep in the night. If you feel like you are not full when you wake up, try eating or drinking something and that might help you get back the sleep.

    Good Luck for good sleep and sweet dreams!

  8. ramya_psk

    ramya_psk Senior IL'ite

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    me too have the same problem for the past 1 yr.The only way to overcome this
    as malathi said dont ever nap during daytime that is the main reason and eat fully such that u wont feel hungry in the middle of the night.i tried this now i am getting sleep to some extend.Secondly,since we r in abroad we dont chat with many other than IL we feel so lonely and try to read good books before you go to bed .Before i used to get all bad dreams and think abt it the next day:evil: .Now i am keeping swami kumkum everyday night and now i am not getting any such dreams.
  9. sunitha

    sunitha Gold IL'ite

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    In my case,if I eat full at night,I don't get a good night's sleep.So,I try my best to eat a little less than usual and have a glass of warm milk before going to sleep.That makes me sleep like a log:mrgreen:
  10. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Worrying is the enemy of sleep. When one is done with all the housework and other distractions of the day and one gets to bed, so also do your worries get to bed with you!
    Worries, big and small, accosts all of us. Such is life. Like some have said, hard physical work during the entire day like looking after kids and running around doing the daily chores and shopping does exhaust one and sleep takes over.
    But when even that fails, then you have to 'school' yourself to sleep.
    I see many have suggested going on the net or watching TV to take your mind off any worries. But that is proven to be wrong. It is said that activity with computers and TV will only awaken the mind and distracts sleep.
    Sleeping with a full tummy is also not good.
    Have dinner early and if possible, keep it light. Before going to bed, take a warm drink like milk or herbal tea with honey. Also, a warm bath will help to relax. Play some soothening music and read a book that you are not really interested in!! Hope that will do the trick of putting you to sleep.
    Yogasanas are also good and pranayams.
    Also, it is said that one should not use bedrooms during the day for relaxation and reading etc. The mind should be trained to feel that being in bed is only to sleep and use your bed only when you are really going to sleep, esp when you have sleeping problems.
    Watched a documentary on disturbed sleep and these were some of the points I remember.
    Best of luck and wish you all a sound sleep...me too:)

    L, Kamla

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