Gestational Diabetes in pregnancy

Discussion in 'Pregnancy & Labor' started by Leo, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. cuticle

    cuticle New IL'ite

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    gestational diabetes


    I just got diagnosed with Gestational diabetes . Iam carrying twins ..can any one explain me what are the normal values for sugar with twin pregnancy.
    Iam trying to control with diet but unable to do so .Most likely dr would be keeping me on insulin.

    Any momies who had GD had any issues with baby growth during and after delivery.

    Pls help me out ....Iam too scared of it.
  2. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: gestational diabetes

    Hi Cuticle,

    Fellow GD'er here. I am currently pregnant and have GD. The normal fasting values of blood sugar are between 60-90 mg/dL, and 1 hour post meal values <130mg/DL. FOr a twin pregnancy the values are close to these ranges but the upper limit might be slightly higher. You will be required to attend a GD nutrition class where all this information will be provided to you. You will also have one-on-one meetings with a counselor, to go over your numbers once you begin monitoring. Don't worry. It does seem overwhelming initially but you will soon get into a routine that works for you.

    I am currently taking bed-time insulin since I wasn't able to get my fasting values in the expected range. It is really not so bad. In fact taking the insulin is much less painful than pricking your fingers for the glucose monitor.

    Hope it works out for you!
  3. Vasuma09

    Vasuma09 IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: gestational diabetes

    Hi Cuticle,

    Congrsts on your twin pregnanacy, how many weeks are you now, I had Gd during my first pregnancy but it was there onky during last few weeks, I had gd around my 37th week and my baby was big so they induced me around end of 38th week
    Now I am pregnant with my second one since I had gd during my last pregnancy this time they asked me to check around 17th week and results were normal, I am having my 28th week gtt on coming monday, keeping my fingers crossed..Gtt will not create harm to you as well to your baby if you maintain proper diet, the weight of the baby will be more if we have gd, which will eventually results in csection, so get an appointment with dietician as gauri suggested and frame your diet plan, couples of my friends took insulin also and they said it is painless so dont worry ...
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  4. cuticle

    cuticle New IL'ite

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    Re: gestational diabetes

    Thank you Vasuma09 and Gauri03. Iam currently 28 weeks . I had an appt with dietician and Iam trying to manage with diet but its out of control.

    Iam feeling very weak and hungry all the time .Unable to feed properly two lil mouths;(((.

    My obgyn would mostly start with insulin lunch and bedtime.
  5. vanivineela

    vanivineela Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Babyhope, Pooja, Gauri and all others,

    How are u all doin? I ws inactive on IL since a month.

    Glad to inform you that my Glucose levels have been normal since more than 2 weeks.
    But have vry less options to eat..jst controlling to eat anything and everythng.. bt jst a matter of 1 month more to go.. So waiting for it..
    As I am a south indian, rice is my staple food too. But I completely cut down rice.. jst eating may be once cup of rice with rasam/sambar alternate days.
    Am trying out diff kinds of dosas..
    dosas, upmas & idlies are my only diet now.
    No sandwich(as it contains cheese), no sweet corn.. no other foods..:(
    holding my eyes tight, jst one month to go.. fr a sweet, cute and healthy baby.. thats wht we all need. :)
    Apart frm this, half an hr of walking everyday.
  6. vanivineela

    vanivineela Silver IL'ite

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    Hey Gauri..
    Sorry to inform u late..
    But strictly No for icecreams and starchy foods. My dietician restricted me completely.. and she informed me that there should be no intake of atleast one spoon of sugar in my diet.
  7. simpleMom

    simpleMom Gold IL'ite

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    If you eat what your GD dietician says, you might end up eating much more than what you normally eat. GD diet is very healthy, portion controlled. There are 3 meals and 3 snacks in a day.

    Some tried and tested tips to control insulin.

    1. Whole wheat bread slice and an egg for breakfast
    2. half cup of milk/yogurt for AM snack
    3. Rotis or rice and vegetables(no limit)
    Walk for 20 minutes
    4. sprouts - 3PM
    5. Half apple or few grapes for 5PM
    6. Dinner at 7 PM, same as 3
    Walk for 20 minutes
    7. After dinner snack

    See, this is lot more than we eat. If you eat meat, eat more often and more in quantity. It raises insulin in negligible quantities. It is very filling too.

    Rice and sambar is double carbs. Lentils have carbs in them. Roti + all those chana curries etc also are double carb foods. Eat rice with vegetables or with meat. See how your sugar levels will be.

    Read labels. Check how many carbs are in it. Sugars are sub label of Carbs but you need to count entire carbs. It probably is bit hard in India to trust the labels. Very small cup of Haagen-Dazs that has 21 grams of carb might be OK. 2 or 3 cubes of dairy milk chocolate might also be fine.

    Not trying to over-ride your doctors advise. Try these one meal at a time and check. If they don't work, leave the.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  8. vanivineela

    vanivineela Silver IL'ite

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    Hi SimpleMom,

    Thank you for the tip.. I have one doubt.. Can we eat fries like murukkus now?? will it increase our sugar levels?
  9. simpleMom

    simpleMom Gold IL'ite

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    I am not a physician. Just sharing what I know.

    It is made of processed powder. It might instantly spike your sugar levels. May be 1/2 muruku once in a while as a snack? Then in that snack, don't eat anything else.

    Usually, you can try a new food and check how your insulin levels are. But now you have only one month and may not want too many high insulin levels, why not hold it for some more time?
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
  10. geetha mahesh

    geetha mahesh Bronze IL'ite

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    Hello All,

    I recently 6 mths ago a healthy baby. I had gestational diabetes and this was my first pregnancy. Having no diabetes in the family gave me jitters as to what went wrong. It was all my pre pregnancy weight..I was overweight to begin with and the whole hormonal stress of pregnancy burdened my pancreas.

    I found some tips useful...
    1) Do not panic it is very common to have GDM these days...about 10% of pregnant women have. I actually cried at the diagnosis but later accepted and worked hard for the health of both me and the baby.
    2) Respect your physicians nto go by what you hear say...follow expert them they have seen lot like you and also take advice from dieticians..they are excellent resource...
    3) I did check my sugars deligently 4 times a day...fasting-target was less than 90, postprandial after breakfast, lunch and dinner- each less than 140....
    4) Do not skip meals or well and choose wisely...
    5)I tried dietary recommendations for 3 weeks...did not seem to work and was not gaining weight..hence was started on glyburide...which has been extensivelky studies..I started of on 2.5 mg daily and then went 2 times a day , took it until the day before delivery.
    6) Drink is cheapest and the healthiest drink you can have...
    7) Eggs were a delight to me....please they do not raise blood sugars instantly and a very well balanced diet for the little buddy too...
    8)I had to control all my sweet and savoury cravings...did not have rice absolutely for 2.5 mths...that is a lot as I am a rice eater...even chapatis increased my sugars..had lot of salads...good at the end oof pregnancy as bowels are really constipated during these months effect of progesterone...
    9) Had jeera can help in lactation also...and tasty water to drink...good for digestion..
    10)Lot fo fruits is just 1 carb I guess..btw talk to dietician and they will tach you carb can be a fun game and you learn so much with that...
    11) Did not use sugar for coffee at all....
    12) Please prepare yourself to breast is of immense help and lose your weight in a jiffy...
    13) Rest and pray for a safe and happy delivery...
    14) Finally came my buddy who isa tiny little had borderline sugars and weight on the lower side like 6.1 my blood sugars were well controlled...
    15) Just a tip prior to labour...when they do not feed you..please make sure you drink water and some juices...and try to stick with the medications...
    16) Also in the final weeks of this is categorized as high risk will have NST weekly to monitor baby movements..pls attend that religiously...and see how your champ is tolerating the blood sugar fluctuations in your can be cumbersome but worth the effort..I was in residency training and had to take off in between was hard work but it did paid off well...
    17) And continue to remain active till the last day...I did work until the day before my champ came into this world...

    God bless all Pregnant is truely a divine and humbling experience...for both parents to be....Hail pregnancy..worship womanhood...
    cliona, sumalynux and SaiBhakht like this.

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