As the year draws to a close, many of us find ourselves reflecting deeply. I was recently discussing again with a friend about Verse 67 from Chapter 18 of the Bhagavad Gita: idaṃ te nātapaskāya nābhaktāya kadācana na cāśuśrūṣave vācyaṃ na ca māṃ yo/bhyasūyati Translation: "This instruction should never be explained to those who are not austere, or to those who are not devoted. It should also not be spoken to those who are averse to listening (to spiritual topics), and especially not to those who are envious of Me." The beauty of the Bhagavad Gita is in the multiple interpretations of a single verse and how it applies to our lives. One such interpretation and extension by C. Radhakrishnan stood out to me: " ... it also means that even those who are not yet ready can come to deserve later. A change of attitude, readiness to try and grasp, desire for the love of humanity and God, humility – anyone qualifies. No section of people is permanently barred. There is every scope for optimism for everybody. None is barred on the basis of caste, religion, country, clan, age, sex or any such. But remember: do not serve unless the plate is clean and readily placed." I find myself repeatedly struck by the depth of this wisdom. Until we’re ready, advice or lessons just won’t make sense. And this applies to everyone - oneself, a child, a friend, a family member, or any one. Until they’re ready to receive, don’t serve. : ) You say all that is wise, fine and dandy but why is Rihana saying all this in this thread? Well, the year 2024 brought many thought-provoking threads in IL, many started by @gamma50g . One of those threads, the one on the Bhagavad Gita, made me reflect deeply. It's an honor to announce the Winner of the Finest Post Award is @gamma50g for the snippet: It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year.... Something about world and local events made me feel despondent in December. But this thread came as a timely reminder to find the little things that bring cheer. Walking through my neighborhood on a crisp, chilly morning, I smiled at each inflatable Santa lying on the lawns, like someone who’s cooked a meal (or two), cleaned up, and finally lays down to rest on the couch for a well-deserved break and to check IL. Thank you @iyerviji and @Viswamitra for the nominations. And a thank you to @gamma50g for starting many insightful threads that spark conversations here and in our minds too! Wishing all in IL a Happy New Year! May we continue to seek and find the small things that can lift our spirits!
Congratulations @gamma50g for winning the finest post of December 2024. Let this new year 2025 bring the best in you. @Rihana, I truly enjoyed reading your winner announcement. While it is true that the Guru will find the seeker to give deeksha, those who are aspiring will also get a chance at the right time. Every flower gets a chance to blossom when the time is right.
Thank you @Rihana and @Viswamitra sir. I am so honored. Thanks @iyerviji maami for your nomination. @Rihana The Bhagavad Gita is truly a guide for life and I find myself finding new meanings every single day. Every verse in every shloka is so powerful and meaningful. It makes me look at life from a very different perspective now. I have learnt to let go and forgive so much better than I did earlier. I am yet to read Chapter 18. My favorite so far is Chapter 10 where Krishna talks about His glory.
@gamma50g Dear g50g Hearty congratulations to you on getting the Finest Post award. I knew you would be the winner the very day I read your post! You are one of the ILites I keenly follow just to keep my grey cells from fading into a faded nondescript shade! Thanks a lot for your active role in our community
@Rihana I was thinking that no one , not even you, could excell you in giving shape to the feelings but everytime you prove me wrong! You keep excelling yourself with each stroke on your gifted keyboard! Even envying you is a futile exercise for me!
@iyerviji My dear Viji But for the major role you have been playing in the Finest Post nominations, this activity would have come to a grinding halt long back! You are our One Man Army! You never fails to amaze me with your child like enthusiasm for everything you do. God bless you, my dear Viji
Congratulations@gamma 50g for the award. May you continue with your active role in IL sharing your thoughts and experiences. The unique style of announcement takes the cake.
Thanks very much. It's my pleasure . Feel very happy when I see my nominated posts gets award. Hope we get to read more and more good posts