Hiya Rihana! Happy November Happy for you to see so many unique gems presented here for the month. I decided to add another jewel to the mix! @beautifullife30 with her response at What Is The Point Of Ending A Long-standing Relationship? has put it better than I ever could have! Her beginning and ending quotes are spot on! Haven’t we all seen marriages where two people probably shouldn’t be together but are? Be it one person giving it their all and the other just being the token spouse or one person checking out while the other hangs on without wanting to let go. It does take a special kind of courage to put your self respect ahead of others. When the hurt doesn’t heal in time, it’s time to move on - so well said! If people in general are more supportive of men and women who get out of relationships, just because they have reached their limit(which is different for each person), then maybe these folks will be happier single than being lonely in a marriage. Loved beautifullife30’s take on things here. Happy to nominate her for November’s FP!
Thank you to @iyerviji @Viswamitra @Thyagarajan @satchitananda and @Laks09 for the nominations. Once again, this FP thread reminds us how much there is to read and appreciate. Without it, we might think there isn’t much to explore, but seeing the nominations makes us realize there’s so much to reflect on and respond to, and we hardly have enough time to do it all! ========================= If I haven't acknowledged any nominated posts, it could be because the nominated post is only a single line long or appears to be copied from the internet.
How Jealous Are You? by @anika987 Empty Nest Syndrome ..especially Abroad? by @anika987 Overwhelming Socialization In The Community ... Please Give Me Advise by @anika987 These threads by @anika987 touch on important aspects of life -- navigating transitions, managing connections, and understanding our emotions. Thoughtful and relatable, they give plenty to think about.
Do You Feel Happy? by @sln Friction Points Between Seniors (70+) And Adult Children (40+) by @sln Happiness depends on our mindset and relationships. The two threads by @sln Sir highlight how these are intertwined. The threads provide tools and ideas to help us navigate these dynamics and find more balance and happiness in our lives. It's both a pleasure and an honor for me, and I'm sure for all ILites, to engage with SLN Sir in these threads. And a special kind of joy to read his responses, especially in timepass threads like "Entering a Guest's Room" or the more serious "Play Chess or Not with Neighbor."
Amaran Mukundan by @chanchitra Threads started by @chanchitra always receive thoughtful responses. She manages them skillfully, maintaining balance and acknowledging a range of opinions with ease. This Amaran thread was no exception. On a personal note, I came to know about a brave army officer I wouldn’t have otherwise heard about.