Filter Coffee

Discussion in 'Recipe Central' started by Thoughtful, Jul 31, 2022.

  1. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    For the first time in my life, tried to make filter coffee. I got the required stainless steel filter and coffee powder from India.

    I have couple of questions

    1. How long does it take for the coffee to filter. I heard long time back that the filtered coffee liquid has to drip from the top container into the bottom ( normally takes overnight or at least 4 to 6 hours ). In my case the bottom container is filled within 10 minutes. I don't know if the holes are big or I am missing something.

    My steps are to add two table spoon coffee in the top container and pour the boile water after leveling the powder.

    End result is the coffee is very light and I have to pour at least 3/4th of the coffee to get any flavor.

    2. What is the proportion of the milk, filtered coffee and water when making coffee

    3. Where do you all buy the filter coffee powder in USA and any recommendations on the brand. If you grind it yourself, please recommend the coffee bean brand.

    Please suggest anything else I might be missing in this process.

    Paging filter coffee aficionados @hrastro @Thyagarajan @anika987 @iyerviji @Anusha2917 @Rihana @Laks09
    hrastro, Thyagarajan and SuiDhaaga like this.

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    When my parents visit they like to buy Cotha’s coffee blend from the Indian store. It is mixed with chicory and tastes similar to what they drink back home.
    The coffee should drip quickly if you are using the standard metal coffee filter. My mom always sets it up in the morning and the decoction is ready in minutes. I have seen the long filtration with the cold brew filters which are much more dense.
    As for the proportions there is no single answer. It will depend on your taste preference and the strength of the concentrate. Just adjust the proportions of coffee and milk to your taste.
    Thoughtful and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. PurpleRoses

    PurpleRoses Gold IL'ite

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    1. How long does it take for the coffee to filter. I heard long time back that the filtered coffee liquid has to drip from the top container into the bottom ( normally takes overnight or at least 4 to 6 hours ). In my case the bottom container is filled within 10 minutes. I don't know if the holes are big or I am missing something.

    >> It doesn't take 4 to 6hours. It's just that our mothers or grand mother's era, they used large coffee filters (since large joint families) and they had habit of waking up Nd having coffee the 1st thing in the morning so instead of setting up filter for decoction and wait for it in the morning, they used to put it at night just before bedtime so that it is ready in the morning.
    Also the timing for decoction varies depending on the size of the filter, the amount of coffee and water added.
    Nowadays hardly 2 to 4 people live in the same house so we buy smaller filter. Hence the decoction usually gets ready at the max in 15mins.

    Another thing to keep in mind is after adding coffee powder, slightly press the powder down with your hand n then slightly press with the umbrella disc with holes n leave it on that. Then pour slowly boiling hot water till the brim and close the lid.

    If you pack too tightly, water will not even percolate through the powder. Just light pressing is enough

    My steps are to add two table spoon coffee in the top container and pour the boile water after leveling the powder.

    End result is the coffee is very light and I have to pour at least 3/4th of the coffee to get any flavor.
    >> Again same as above, the amount of coffee powder to be added depends on the size of the filter you use. If its of smallest size which yields decoction for only 2 people then 2 spoons is enough. If you are using larger filter, increase the coffee powder amount.
    The decoction can also be light if the water percolated through the coffee powder too quickly.

    2. What is the proportion of the milk, filtered coffee and water when making coffee
    >> Usually its 1/4th decoction+ 3/4th milk. No water!. Some who prefer strong coffee might take 1/2 decoction+ 1/2 milk.
    Thoughtful and Thyagarajan like this.
  4. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    plz post photographs of your coffee endeavors
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  5. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Sorry. I tried it all and gave up! I have a nespresso and buy malabar pods :(

    i had the same issue as you. The decotion was never thick or aromatic enough.
  6. sociallifein30s

    sociallifein30s Gold IL'ite

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    oohh... are most of us on this forum south indians?
    I have not suggestion but just the thought of a filter coffee feels like fresh early morning. :)

    I had a friend who visited me in bangalore. She always called me before coming home to put some decoction ready. After a few months, my brother moved to bangalore too. So, I bought a new bigger filter. because almost every saturday afternoons they both turned up (along with few other tea lovers) and invariably asked for filter coffee, with no water. its 1/3rd decoction, 2/3rd milk, 1 spoon sugar. huhh... they were very demanding guests ha ha ... still loved them both.
    meepre, Thoughtful and Thyagarajan like this.
  7. hrastro

    hrastro Platinum IL'ite

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    mmmmm.... I live for Filter Coffee !! Thank you for the opportunity to lecture about my favourite topic
    :blush: :blush:

    1) The equipment
    If you're buying for only yourself (or 2) - buy the small filter (south indian) or 2 cup Pigeon Xpresso Stainless Steel Coffee Percolator, 350ml

    2) Using the equipment
    I usually fill half (or little less than half) the top unit of the south indian filter OR fill the entire cup of the percolator ...
    In the filter, dont press too much, just level it, keep the inside filter on top of the coffee powder and pour boiling water bit by bit till the top unit is full
    In the percolator, as soon as the top unit is halfway, I switch off the gas, take the "first thick" coffee.
    The 2nd time in both the filter and percolator - I use it to dilute if and when required (or for black coffee)
    Both doesnt take more than 5 minutes - why do you need to do this overnight?

    3) The blend
    I prefer plain coffee without chicory - peaberry A - but I've found that it doesn't give me enough flavour
    The coffee that I use - cothas coffee has chicory - 15%, which I prefer over Bru etc that has 40% chicory
    Cothas coffee and Jaya coffee (west mambalam, chennai) works well with the filter but not with the percolator

    But in the past 2-3 years, I have also tried Pristine Deccan Gold coffee (80:20 blend) - it works with both filter as well as percolator - but of course, be careful to take out thick decoction before adding more hot water ...

    4) How to mix
    a - For black coffee I just add hot boiling water (or 2nd decoction) to about 30-45 ml of the thick decoction
    b - Add hot boiling milk (I use 3% milk - but without diluting) - previously unboiled so that the cream is not taken away or separated - this will give the foam - just as the boiling milk comes up, take it off the stove and mix with decoction -
    I use about 30-45 ml of thick decoction and mix the foamy boiling milk (70-100 ml milk) and either mix it like the hotel guys or use a milk frother or the normal whisk to get the foam
    If you want to dilute it, use the 2nd decoction instead of water.

    c - Never heat the decoction directly - If decoction is not hot, use a double boiler - put the decoction in a tumbler and put the tumbler inside a vessel with water and boil the water - the decoction will get heated without becoming bitter - if you have excess, you can store it in the fridge and double boil as required.

    d - sugar as required (1 tsp?) - I dont put sugar at all, I use milk only in the first coffee of the day or on special occasions

    5) Extra Gyaaaaan
    a - if you're not getting the decoction right while experimenting, dont waste it - I usually mix Bru instant or Continental Xtra (both are instant coffees that I use for sudden guests or sudden coffee cravings) along with the "thin/less flavoured" decoction - it will definitely be better than plain instant coffee

    b - Tata Coffee Quick Filter 100g, Tin - We found this instant coffee close to filter coffee taste - I liked it as a stop gap, but my DH didnt agree with me, he found it bitter! So, it is at your risk

    c - none of the new age almond, soya, coconut milk works with coffee - please keep them away or might as well have black coffee

    Keep smiling and coffeeeeing
  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Filter bottom would be perforated with holes tiny and tinier as you see in images of two filters I use at the same time for extracting strong decoction for making five to six tumblers of coffee. The perforation often needs to be cleared of clogs. I see spouse keep it inverted over nozzle of pressure cooker and emanating steam would clear the clogs. There are around varying size holes 80 to 90.
    The above brand in this pack gives ‘nice’ coffee powder and the decoction extracted using this powder will be thin but rich in flavour. You can see the blend ratio in the image.
    The cothas coffee powder in this pack would be coarse and extracted decoction using this powder would be thick .
    The sugar not more than a spoonful per tumbler keeps the flavour intact.
    Cane sugar too i use alternatively.
    My or my spouse or my mother’s method:

    Have a tumblerful clean water warmed up till the air bubbles raise and plop. Take care to remove this vessal of hot water from flame just when water about to boil. Do not use well water which is hard!
    Bisleri too not good. Water from enrich Acqua guard is just ok.

    While water is being warmed up, Wipe the filters clean with dry cloth. Slightly warm up over sim flame. Rest it over tumbler with flat base. If tumbler bottom face not flat put the tumbler itself in another holder that is flat.

    Add first to ss filter two table spoonful of coarse coasta powder followed by another two spoonful Narsus coffee powder.
    Now take out the filter from tumbler and gently very gently tap once on cooking platform so that powder in filter gets packed slightly lose not very dense. Put it back on ss tumbler.
    Ensure water just boiled is transferred to filter in small drops for a while and allow water drench the piwder surface entirely. Never pour hot water into filter in a rush. Fill it gently intermittently only upto half of filter. Allow few moments say ten seconds. After two or three minutes, lift the filter gently holding tight bottom tumbler and you would see the strong decoction .
    By repeating this process often one will get to know improvements required in this process.
    Take A medium size ladle of decoction extracted in this manner - transfer it to another empty ss tumbler: add one teaspoonful of sugar white or cane. Toss this between tumblers. Decoction would turn foamy.

    To this add add just boiled milk thrice using the same ladle that you used for measuring decoction. Watch for the colour as pour milk into the tumbler. Too much milk will diminish the coffee flavour. Now toss this entire mixture once or twice between tumblers. Your kumbakonam ° coffee ready. Cream floating on milk surface to be carefully shifted aside while taking out warm milk for coffee making.

    Making coffee with these precise steps had made me a coffee man for all family members all mornings in my home. Aware and beware Serving °coffee harmonize the moods. I am fond of serving °coffee to my son in law, daughter, spouse and son in that order. In the mornings, for controlling sugar-in-blood, i first drink kashayam herbal drink and after a gap of one hour i take my cup of coffee

    My late dad was a coffee addict and i heard him often say first coffee laxative and second third .. are luxurious!

    While replying here, i am reminded of my narration about emergency uppuma coffee making in link
    Spouse, Sambandhi & Uppuma

  9. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you @MalStrom. I haven't been to the Indian store yet, but thanks for recommending Cotha's coffe. I will try this out.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  10. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Perfect and Thank you @PurpleRoses for clearing my doubts.
    I was pulling the umbrella disc thingy out after leveling the coffee. I will try leaving it in.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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