We have this one comforter which is really good. Even though I have purchased many after that, it doesn't feel the same. So husband and I literally fight for it during sleep. My husband says I occupy most part of bed and on top of that, gets the comforter too and he has little to no space to sleep. I kind of agree with him. I do sleep like I'm doing yoga stretches. But I feel he is exaggerating the space I occupy in the bed. I would say maybe 60% since I'm considerate about all his help. Now when it comes to comforter, since I tend to get cold quickly, I feel I deserve it more than him. In general I'm like a incubator. I generate so much heat so no one needs anything if they sleep next to me. I feel all his allegations against me are exaggeration since he cannot see me sleeping peacefully. But how do I make him understand that I cannot let go of my space or my comforter share ? Help me with suggestions .
I feel you! In my house also we have that one blanket which my husband and want so badly. It is a double blanket but who cares, we both want and use it for ourselves without sharing. I mean sharing literally doesnt work with either him or I pulling it off on our sides in sleep. So we came to an understanding where the blanket if used by me for one week, then i put for washing and the next week he uses it. And then on washing it comes to me. So in a month, he uses it for two weeks, while i use it for 2 weeks. So this way both of us use it!
Can you find the exact comforter in the store? If so I would get a second one. If not then suggest that you will have 2 blankets and trade the favorite one each night.