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Feelings of a fat person- A glimpse

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by varalakshmi24, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. varalakshmi24

    varalakshmi24 Silver IL'ite

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    After years of being a fat/obese person I decide to say it like it is for my more fortunate peers to know.
    The feeling of exasperation and frustration has engulfed me for years. For those who do not know the feeling of being fat, allow me to throw some light on it. These feelings and their degrees vary from person to person.

    Being a fat or an obese person, is tough. It is tough on the person in question. Do you know why?

    1) Have you ever missed a best friend’s wedding just because there would be people there to judge /comment or even gasp at your weight?

    2) Have you missed a reunion because you could not bear facing your fiends after a one year gap when actually a year back you had thought you would stun them all by appearing at a reunion looking drop dead gorgeous?

    3) Have you not been able to go to your own house for fear of being reprimanded by your extended family due to your weight gain?

    4) Have you not taken a decent photo of yourself in the last couple of years as you were waiting for the right time to be in the right shape to click that perfect picture?

    5) Is your facebook profile picture unchanged for the last 2 years?

    6) Have you met new people in your life, and the first feeling you get is being distinctly aware of your size?

    7) Have you felt the shame of your life coming out of a trial room and facing the salesman ?

    8) Have you loathed that expectant look on your parent’s face when they anticipate your arrival after a gap of a month, yearning to see if you have reduced?

    9) Have you felt the lows of the gallows standing in a public place or among other people receiving that lecture from a well wisher on ‘tips to lose weight’?( Mind you these are tips you have heard since childhood)

    10) Have your eyes bored into person at that counter when he hands over you chocolate fantasy, looking deep into his face for any signs of a taunt /chide?

    11) Have you taken an Auto to a cake shop and been told by the rick driver that having snacks is not good for fat?

    12) Have you almost died of shame when a relative told your mom in your presence that it is time to send you to VLCC?

    13) Have you gone for a wax and in that half naked vulnerable state been blatantly asked by the beautician why you have so much flab?

    As a fat person I understand your concern and curiosity in knowing why I am fat, how much I weigh and what I am doing to reduce it. Yet if you could please take a moment and realize, that If you had an ugly mole on your face as a fellow human being I would try my best never to bring that up in a conversation.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2013
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  2. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    While empathising with you all along, this line made me to look at you with a deep respect Varalakshmi24 - "If you had an ugly mole on your face as a fellow human being I would try my best never to bring that up in a conversation". A fantastic one. Glad to read this.

    There is an Aesop's fable about
    Two bags that God gave to man,
    One for his own follies and the other,
    For others'. Then quickly our man

    Put his folly bag on his back
    And others' bag in front of himself.
    From then on there is no lag
    In criticising others denting their self.

    If only he were wise enough
    To put his bag in front then,
    The world would be so full of
    Good ones and I just longed when

    That day would ever come at all,
    Till someone told me that it would,
    Which involved no change of bags at all,
    But a mindset that is and serves good.

    Just ignore what others say about you
    And ignore the flaw in their physical forms.
    I know that there are already a few
    Who makes it better. That is the charm

    That brings that impossible thing a bit
    Possible as each new day arrives.
    Join them and you'll feel better and fit.
    You too will touch so many lives.
    11 people like this.
  3. outofthebox

    outofthebox Platinum IL'ite

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    Even I loved this last line of yours...And I can also very well understand where you are coming from, as I have also been on the receiving end for many many years because I don't know how to look good for the others. It doesn't matter if I feel ok with myself, but the others used to comment on how bad my sense is ! During the past decade, I have also been on and off with weight, and it amuses me to ends on how people view those who are actually obese and never give it a thought that it could be because of some health reasons also!!! But now, I have become a "don't care master" especially in this context!

    Like you, even I don't ever like to comment on any physical features because I have myself been a victim. I prefer to focus on what's within the person rather than the cover! Only time has made me understand that its really perfectly ok to be what I am, and I consider myself fortunate that I have this long-forgotten emotion called "empathy" with me ! :)

    Your post has struck a chord with me!:thumbsup:thumbsup
    6 people like this.
  4. varalakshmi24

    varalakshmi24 Silver IL'ite

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    Thank you ILites for your support!
  5. blackbeauty84

    blackbeauty84 IL Hall of Fame

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    It touched me in every way. But this is the stand I have taken in last two years: I'm doing my best to exercise, eat healthy. At the time, I have accepted how I look. Being a fat person, never made me sit in a corner. Whether the opposite person likes it or not, this is me and I will be me.
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  6. varalakshmi24

    varalakshmi24 Silver IL'ite

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    There is an Aesop's fable about
    Two bags that God gave to man,

    thank you rgsrinivasan! The story holds a lot of meaning for me at this point.thank you for spending that time on me to help me :)
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  7. thegirlygirl

    thegirlygirl Platinum IL'ite

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    1) yes- i was glad i could miss my mama's wedding, due to exams, because staying in a hostel i had swollen up to the size of a whale, and i dare not make an appearance amongst people who are obsessed with fitness.

    2) yes- i have always come up with excuses not to go along with my high school friends, when they all used t ogo out, when we were back home from our respective colleges.

    3) yes- i have always avoided meeting family memebers, when we used to visit india, as people are all the more insensitive there, some have actually exclaimed loudly on seeing me, and made offensive gestures to indicate how huge i have grown.

    4)yes, i always hated being photographed when in college. what i didn't realise was that everybody senses your insecurity when you do that, and they get a chance to put you down.

    6) yes, almost always.

    7) during my first year in college, i went to a local shop to buy myself a labcoat. the silly guy
    gave me a really small size, and i kept asking for a bigger size after trying one after the other, and he laughed at me. id**t!!

    9)yes definately yes!! i have been given free advice n number of times. now what i do is, after the lecture, i simlpy ask them if they follow any of it? that shuts their mouth.

    12) a friend of my mom's told her publicly in my presence that i should be taken to a health farm for a month.

    i feel it is a curse to be born fat. i have had a sort of a complex all my life, and during college especially, i hardly got out of my room. i just went to college, and would come back and hide in my room. i didn't take part in any activity.

    but i have reversed it to some extent. in the last 1 year i have lost 19 kgs, and look quiet good.
    i came back to my home town 2 weeks back,now where ever i go, people are quiet shocked to see me, i get compliments from everyone, and people say i look very good!!
    i feel much more confident than before, i look forward to meeting people, unlike before. i feel like an achiever!!!
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  8. varalakshmi24

    varalakshmi24 Silver IL'ite

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    Glad to hear from some one who was once in my place and overcame this hurdle!
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  9. shareon

    shareon Senior IL'ite

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    Has anyone gone through this "Oh you would've looked better if you were a bit smaller?" Or this would suit you if you were slimmer. (Sigh)
    And felt you were never good enough for anything.
    I have gone through a lot of emotional problems, and the root of it all is weight weight weight. Dont ever let it bog you down, ever.
    I am still fat and I have a baby son, and I've failed miserably at various attempts to lose it. Its not the diet, its not the exercise. Its just the way I am. Just love me... unconditionally!
    Its a long run to the finish line :)
    6 people like this.
  10. dsmenon

    dsmenon Gold IL'ite

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    Oh yes..

    People have asked me if I am going to have a baby. Snide remarks/ comments on the dress I wear. Tell me how big my a** is. Asking me if I shop in the maternity section etc.

    N thn on the eve of Jan 1 2012 I realized enough is enough I should start a healthy routine for my self. I started exercising, eating right. Counting calories I ate and counting calories I burned. After 8 months I was back to my previous size. Lost 50 lbs. N still continuing on the diet and exercise

    It was a tough journey from size 10 to size 0 but it was worth it.
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