Family Setup..

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by wish4miracle, May 18, 2022.

  1. wish4miracle

    wish4miracle Gold IL'ite

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    Hi ladies,
    Just thought of writing this down to know what others thoughts will be.
    So this is what my in laws have done to my H
    1. Educated him to have a decent degree in tough situation.
    2. Raised him along with other siblings with even very less financial background at that time.
    3.Raised my H to be a good human being.

    And also,
    1.They were behind us for a grandkid right away after our mrge,literally from next month, insulted us at every instance saying their prestige of becoming grandparent through my H was being damaged.
    2. Fought with us when H sold out his house which he bought with his own money and hardwork and was against that idea quoting the house belonged to his mom emotionally.
    3.Accounted my H s savings and brought the tally to zero when asked for the savings that was given to them earlier while working in abroad. That account included all the money spent for our mrge included my mangalsutra. But still dint tally.
    4. After we became parents, in laws neglected my child to love or care for quoting my child should be taken care only by their mother and not them.
    5. They want to run every single life decisions according to their way, right from kids ear piercing till financial decisions. Else branded with not so good child and neglects us in every possible way.
    6. They say they will give full participation of being grandparent only when the household is run their way to the T, including making us get along with their daughter and to become part of their household activities indirectly in name of functions or so.
    7. Pushing us to have luxurious life by spending more money and expects us to take them out every single time. Even for grocery shopping.
    8. Expects us to serve food right to their bed, and they are entitled to take only rest at this age.

    So, tell me when i grow old to become a grandparent or in law, what are the things that i should carry from this and the things that i shouldnot take it along with me.

    I have elaborated the negative sides way too much, may be i have not seen their good side much. But this is what i see ever since my mrge.
    Just curious to know what you guys think. Their actions are justifiable or to be left behind and not to be taken as an example?

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Are you living in a joint family or do your in-laws just visit?
  3. wish4miracle

    wish4miracle Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Malstrom, They come and go as they please. They stay days together and then they visit native place for some days or visit other children's houses.

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