Expressing Bm- Few Doubts

Discussion in 'Post Pregnancy Care' started by Needtobestrong, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    I have following doubts:
    Which is better: manually hand expressing BM or pumping using electric or manual breast pump?
    Does frequent pumping help in increasing BM supply?
    Is it necessary to use breast pump only or does hand expression of BM in sterile container in frequent intervals also help in increasing supply?problem is I have lot of household works to do and I'm unable to find time to wash and sterilise breast pump components and use..I find it easier to manually hand express in container and refrigerate..
    I'm not breastfeeding as baby refuses to suck..and I'm taking the usual Ayurvedic capsules and supplements for BM but I'm not able to increase supply..want to improve it or maintain at least for few months..
    Kindly advice.

  2. Stand4urself

    Stand4urself Bronze IL'ite

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    Based on my case, my DD refused to latch as she got used to bottle/ syringe feed in NICU. Took Ayurveda capsules/ powder / garlic milk. Nothing worked for me. My doc said - your baby has to latch , only that helps the supply , stimulation/ supplement to increase milk will work only when you exclusively breastfeed.
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  3. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I had a micro preemie and he was in the NICU for a while. He latched on only when he was close to 2.5 months. I exclusively pumped for that duration. Until he was exclusively nursing I used to pump often and supplement with bottles of bm.
    I don't think hand expressing is efficient. You need to use a hospital grade or close to hospital grade pump. I used a Medela Pump in style advanced. It was available to buy in India but I had a friend bring it for me from the US.
    You have to express consistently to keep up supply. The more the demand the more you lactate. I had to pump round the clock. Every 2-2.5hrs(I made it every 3.5-4 hrs at night to get some sleep). In addition you can also take lactare in India. Ask your doctor for the dosage and prescription. I also used to take all the lactogenic food prescribed after delivery - our regular Ayurvedic tonics, methi dosa, saunf leaves, raw papaya, drumstick leaves etc. Whatever my mom and my maid felt is good, they fed me and I ate. I also had to drink a ton of fluids and take a lot more than regular calories to keep up a steady supply.

    For latching issues try a lactation consulatant. My son is my second baby and hence it was easier for me without the LC.

    The lalecheleague website is a gem for all sorts of breastfeeding issues. Check them out. They have various baby holding positions you can try for efficient latching. I had to use a different hold for my son to latch well.

    Hope this helps,
    Vasumathy and Needtobestrong like this.
  4. JGVR

    JGVR Gold IL'ite

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    electric pump is better.there are microwaveable bags available in medela to sterlise pump accessories under 2 minutes.Get them if required.or else,after each pumping session,you can put the accessories in a zip lock bag and put them in the refrigirator and use them during each pumping session.medela website or manual should have lot of inofrmation on these.

    Consult a lactation consultant and try to use a nipple shield to get your baby latched.

    If possible get help for household work.IMO,feeding mother's milk to baby is top most priority than anything else.
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  5. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Similar thing happened to me , as my baby is preemie I have not had chance to BF for 1 month..during that one month of NICU, around 5-6 hours a day were spent on hospital visits so during that time I could not pump..and I could hardly get out of bed to pump as I had a painful c section...they would give syringe, spoon feeds etc for baby and my later attempts to feed weren't that successful even after would fall asleep within 5 minutes of latching..and would not wake up even after repeated attempts to continue BF..or even if baby latched for more than 5 minutes , my baby would start crying loudly as milk supply was so low and breast was empty..due to repeated crying my baby would just vomit ...we were increasingly concerned about weight gain and had to switch to bottle feeds supplemented by breast a few months my baby stopped sucking and is very obstinate and refuses to baby cries if I even try to BF..
    The gynaecologists who were there for my delivery never told me these facts about pumping, or BFing etc..even lactation consultants told me about food items and supplements which I have been taking but no use..
    No one understands my difficulties here, and are not arranging proper household helps for me..I'm exhausted with household activities and I'm not able to wash n sterilise pump again n again to m able to pump occasionally only..I m in heights of depression when I hear of relatives who are breastfeeding their babies even 1 - 1.5 years..
  6. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Is it possible to make a baby latch after baby has refused entirely to suck? I'm having difficulty with bottle feeds as baby is extra fussy about milk, both BM and formula fed by bottle..
  7. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    OP, Make sure that you and baby are your first priority. Not your household cores. Take enough rest. Seek help of others, if you need. Dont over do things with your weak body. It will back fire.
    I guess this is your first baby. I struggled for more than one and half month to get my first baby latched well. Each BF section was big struggle for me and baby. It was a tough time with my weak body and no one to help. Both of you are new to this. It is a learning experience. Be patient. I learned lot of things my making lot mistakes. It helped me during my second baby. BF even for 5 minutes if you can . It will help with milk production. I hope your periods didnt start yet. If so milk supply go down.

    Try to use a breast pump I used advanced medela pump in style. I dont think using hands help that much. BF every 2-3 hours followed by pumping session. If there is no demand there will be not be any supply of BM. Store whatever you get. The pump comes with lot of bottles + nipples. So I uses one bottle for each section. To sterilize all the used bottles , I tried to find some time every evening. So I had enough bottles to use.
    Dont compare yourself with others. Be happy with what you have and try to focus on yourself and baby. Try to stick to a schedule if you can. Try to sleep whenever you can. Make sure you drink lot of water and eat healthy food. It will also help . If nothing works, consult a lactation specialist.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017
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  8. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    You tried really hard. It's not working out. It's been a few months. I think it's time to move on. Don't feel so bad about what didn't work. Focus on the baby getting the right type of feeds. Formula isn't evil. It's a fairly good supplement.

    Supplements are secondary. Regular pumping/nursing is primary to establish supply. Sorry nobody told you this.

    Sometimes docs and nurses don't have empathy towards the new moms. Sorry you had to go through that. Whatever is in the past is in the past. Don't delve on it too much.

    You are exhausted. Take it easy. Pump when you can. Put the pump parts in the fridge in a ziplock so you don't have to wash and sterilize after each use. Maybe do it once or twice a day depending on the frequency of pumping.

    Relax about what others are doing. The most important thing is the baby is fed and happy. If it's breast milk or formula he needs to thrive. What's the use of having a baby cry hard and throw up and stress himself out? In three years you won't remember any of this. When kids are all older and in school who can tell which one got exclusively breast fed which one didn't.
  9. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks all..
    The suggestion of putting the breastpump parts in ziplock bag is quite good..I'll follow it..
    Why dint I think of it earlier...
    It will reduce time and effort taken for washing and sterilising..
    I'm glad I shared my issues here, I got good inputs..
    My periods have started..since then supply drastically reduced...
    Have also started solids as doctor told me to do so..solid feeds with milk in between..either BM or formula..
    The mom in me wants to give BM as much as possible as long I'm getting it..
    Later on I don't want to regret thinking I should have tried harder..
    Laks09 likes this.
  10. fourthaugust

    fourthaugust Gold IL'ite

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    Never try to latch a hungry baby, if your baby is hungry, give him half the feed and then put him to breast, let him play suck whatever he wants, once he gets tiered give him the rest of the feed.
    This is what I did when my first baby stopped sucking and went on to nursing strike. He eventually started sucking longer and brought back my supply to the extent that i overproduced until he turned a year.
    Needtobestrong likes this.

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