one liner story, Dear Madam!!! ( chithra kutty) Everyone has said everything . I don't know what else to say. I seem to have missed your story some way or the other. I have always thought that I was too naughty for my age. Now you.. you are way ahead. I am nothing and nowhere closer to you... Keep it up. Latha
My dear "Letha MoLae" ! Please don't call a one-liner, a story ! Don't you know, naughtiness increases with age ? Now, now, let me correct myself - we both are "naught naughty" at a young age itself !! Thankyou for joing us - the more, the merrier!! Love & regards, Chithra.
dear chithra My dear Chithra Just now finished ur one line story forward, hilarious and naughty one. You are getting younger day by day by sweet little friend. Pl do post more, ha ha ha. Love and regards Priya
My dear Sudha ! You put so much " Ice" (aish ?) on me that I caught a cold & did'nt reply you yesterdaY !! Is not spice an essential ingredient in life ? I love to contribute spicy postings besides recipes & shlokas - it is not easy to tie down the I L ites to me, otherwise ! Well, take it, "naughtiness" is one shade of chitvish ! Love & regards, Chithra.
Priya, my sweet young friend ! I am stunned that you visited this forum - I can't believe!!!! You restrict yourself so much, that I feel thrilled & proud that I managed to "rope you in", here ! I cannot help confiding that I love to be as naughty as I can be "serious" ( not really !). Thankyou, Priya ! Love & regards, Chithra.
Very hilarious Dear Chith, I have read this before, but your writingit made it all the more enjoyable. Regards, Meenu
My dear Meenu ! We get so many forwards, but we don't feel like sharing everything in I L . But this, I could not help sharing with my young, naughty, loving friends in I L ! Thankyou for the mail. Love & regards, Chithra.
belated reply hai,chith, ha,what a nice love line,it is sticking in my tongue just as your spicy and sweety food, with regards, visalam.:wave