Hi, I just came across this advt for the envelope stuffing job from home .To start we have to pay for 45$ as registration fee, later it will be refundable and can earn more money. Please shares your expereince ,how reliable are they? index Regards, USHA.
Hi Any job which first asks you to make some payment is trash. It is certain that you are going to be duped. Please do not entertain any such offers of making payments to agencies. There should be clarity that unless we are paid first we are not going to make any kind of payment to them. Sailaja
Ladies, this is a true scam. They make all the money from those $45 fees. The essence is that they will tell you to post ads in newspapers and on the net ro promote their company (there're many companies like that selling different things) and THEN when you collect the orders and submit it to that company they will give you comission. So 'stuffing envelopes' would be sending that company brochures to those people who responded to your ads. Please, contact me if you want to stay a home and work your own hours at a truly wonderful opportunity to help people with their health and weight problems. Check here - http://www.indusladies.com/forums/working-from-home/15529-genuine-work-at-home-opportunity.html
None of this business are reliable,you only earn when the compnany gets a response from the ones you have posted ,it is like comisssion if their company gets benefit,you wont be paid for stuffing,they declare the rules only after you have paid,be careful hasa:hatsoff