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Endometriosis And Combined Pills Side Effects

Discussion in 'Gynaecology' started by Lakshmi90, Jan 16, 2025.

  1. Lakshmi90

    Lakshmi90 Senior IL'ite

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Hi I'm Saranya from Chennai living in Sandiego.I had chocolate cysts in left ovary 2cm,1.5cm and pelvic endometriosis diagnosed in 2014 and cysts excised laprascopically was put on depo Provera got married moved to USA from chennai took ayurveda medicine managed recurrence and got pregnant naturally delivered in may 2017 then got mirena iud 6 weeks after delivery when getting close to 5yr mark started getting palpitations,shortness of breath diagnosed with arthymia due to sinus tachycardia,we relocated to sandiego from Detroit found a new ob/gyn wanted to try something else than mirena asked her about safe ocp thought to take for 6 months she put me on blisovi fe 1/20 norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol through nurse practitioner who also removed mirena while taking the pill after 8 months noticed huge weight gain,fatigue,breast enlargement stopped after 1yr took entire 2023 then switched to ayurveda through kotakal in feb 2024 I went for annual physical my pcp found fibroadenoma in right breast I was scheduled for mammogram and Ultrasound on april8 before which I went for pap smear on april5 which caused uti symptoms took antibiotics for 2 days gave urine culture wasn't significant so stopped antibiotics.Then on 12th I went for breast biopsy on april 15th got LMP after which my body started itching,burning like pins and needles even breasts,armpit,groin,abdomen back,arms,legs everywhere then I was also sweating badly could be due to hot flashes then rectal and breast pain started teeny tiny clear discharge from nipple I took DIM SUPPLEMENT with ayurveda medicine for breast/uterine health,hormonal balance then went to India went to breast oncologist gyn in ultrasound wasn't visible took mri as gastroentrologist ordered due to rectal pain it showed endometriosis in different places then I consulted Dr.Jay mehta and went to mumbai to get it excised the moment I knew it's severe with rectal nodule I asked him to remove uterus and ovaries as well as I am also scared about breast cancer due to ocp usage when I researched later blisovi is highly linked to breast cancer made a huge mistake by taking it its my 1st ocp pill and I should've waited to come down to India to replace mirena I have had fibroids in 2022 itself ob/gyn didn't tell me that and said looks normal the practise where I went earlier made a mistake in report as I have fibroadenoma on left breast and surgeon was gonna biopsy that then I told het its on right breast they also missed to notice small palpable lumps on left breast which I told was fibroadenoma in India after ultrasound and mri.I have had necrosed fibroid in my uterus all were excised along with deep pelvic peritoneal endometriosis. Then after every periods I was having pain,bowel movement,uti issues results came back normal when I left I took a full blood and urine test which revealed bacteria when I came here went next day to ER due to severe rectal pelvic pain then diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis even in may/april had chronic rectal pain with discharge was put on antibiotics then again in aug antibiotics and lupron I was doing ok for 3 months then transitioned to.mirena again all symptoms started pelvic,rectal,breast pain slowly then bowel movement issues then pain in neck,back,arm,shoulder especially left side,hip lower hip until rectal area everything was hurting went to urgent care was told likely again bacterial vaginosis after vaginal swab then took 1 day antibiotics stopped az came negative they didnt take blood work so went again as pain wasn't gone completely took blood work,urine showed neutrophils high and mild elevated calcium so stopped calcium supplements then got lupron I was told to get hysterectomy now.I want to get TLH+BSO as my hormones now are crazy after the pill use I quit work as well in may as I knew well won't be able to go back after 3 months medical leave.I notice dark velvetty spots in breast,under breasts,back,areola,groin,armpit not a lot but definitely more than wat was before like during pregnancy spotted 1st and checked with dermatologist at Detroit after child birth she said normal but I feel it might have erupted during the puritus episode in april that time I didn't notice the skin seborhheic keratosis also I have acanthosis nigricans in groin,armpits,neck very slightly but considerably in groin area.I am only researching about these now whether it is. Leser trelat sign I have been to dermatologist,pcp,breast clinic getting appointment here is crazy.I am getting constant breast pain,poor bowel movement with loose stools earlier during may and aug due to infection it was mucus coated,dry.I have breast pain every single day I take DIM supplements and ayurveda medicines to manage but nothing seen on mammogram,ultrasound my left breast,left thigh have gotten so much fat added after the pill use.I now regret every minute how stupid I was to take the pill without reading about it I was giving interviews and all I trusted the gyn she spoke sweetly when I got in as a new patient after that she didnt even see me.my cholesterol levels were crazy due to the pill I stopped it and it came to normal after 3 months. I am worried due to the skin changes and burning and all if it could be malignancy and asking for biopsy of breast skin to rule out big C without lumps.Getting upper body pain,lower body pain from 2023 end I started being very weak and fatigued most of the times.But I am not given care I should have gone to ER but have never gone me or my husband he also shifted to new team as his project winded up at apple thats why we moved from Detroit when he got job at apple at Detroit I had lot of family around even pcp,gyn give same day appointment also here its very tough to get. I roamed in India for biopsy of necrosed uterine mass until now I am suffering I asked my ob/gyn if the pill has any side effects and also given in record that my mom's elder sister had breast cancer when died.My mom and her sisters suffered from heavy bleeding my mom had fibroids so in late40s got uterus and ovaries removed. If anyone in USA please let me know your suggestion.Doctors arent taking it seriously I suffer from estroblome, estrogen dominance (after the pill use in 2023) which is linked to breast cancer liver failure not even stool test was ordered in India or here, here I'm still waiting to see gastroentrologist.Any suggestions will be very helpful and life saving. Thank you.

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