@IL_Admin I was thinking this relates to rolling on floor but it could be wrong. I wish to know the corresponding emotion in respect of each of the images in that group . Please guide me where it is listed. I wasted time browsing faq. Thanks and Regards
Ayyo sir I should be sorry for asking you that.. And making you waste sometime on the FAQs. But no it's never a waste. I'm sure you would have gained something from the FAQs. Now I'm curious.. I too want to know what that emoji signifies..
Place your arrow screen pointer on the emoji.... AND WAIT. and you will see what it is supposed to convey. For example <==this emoji shows flicking off a tear drop from one eye, and closing a smiling mouth with both hands. When you place the pointer on this and wait, it shows "touched". And if you need a second opinion, you would take that "touched" and go off to your favorite web dictionary and find out what "touched" might mean. You might even see an example sentence like "Thyagu touched me for a hundred rupees."... and figure out that the emoji might have meant suffering, followed by loan approval, and then happiness. The treadmill emoji is supposed to mean "keep on keepin' on" -- that is, keep doing whatever you'd been doing.<== that emoji, when you keep the pointer on it says roflmao. This roflmao is an abbreviation. You can find out what it is using google. It is your choice whether you want the spelling ass or arse for "a" in roflmao. The latter is supposed to be elitist.
In educating and or elucidating you had provided rib tickling laughter. I wish I come out with more such doubts or and apprehensions???,!! Thanks to you and to the Lord.
Thank you misst and amulet for educating me and Thyagu sir. But seriously didn't that that is a thread mill ---> I just realised this is a banana. Lol I have used it so many times for dancing.