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Elasticity Of Consciouness

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, Nov 17, 2024.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    The entire universe was created by one large consciousness. In human terms, we measure the distance between planets and various galaxies in terms of light years. Light travels at a speed of 1,86,000 miles per second. A light year is multiplying the speed of light per second multiplied by 60x60X24X365. This is measured in terms of living human consciousness in day-to-day life.

    Even within human consciousness, there are multiple states such as waking, dreaming and deep sleep state of mind. When we experience a dream, time and space collapse and we can be in two different places within a few minutes and can experience our childhood if we dream about it. But the problem is we don’t remember the dream when we get into waking consciousness and only, we remember the emotions we experienced during the dream and describe it to others. But by practicing and by holding on to the emotions, we will be able to reconstruct our dream even during waking state. This is called transitioning to a different state of consciousness. But after we go to sleep, we experience a rapid eye moment and soon after we experience deep-sleep state during which time both body and mind are absent our living consciousness is dormant only experiencing the activities that are not controlled by the mind such as immune system, breathing, circulation of blood, etc.

    In normal human experience, we experience the physical three dimensions through all our senses and mind. Frankly, even though the senses reach the objects we experience, it is the mind that translates it into conceivable object by comparing that with past experiences. All of them happen with a fraction of a second and hence we don’t experience time delay.

    There are other dimensions that exist along with us which collapse not only past, present and future and eliminate but also the space. To experience this level of consciousness, one needs a lot of practice including relaxing the mind through breathing exercises that don’t strain our body or mind and helps us prevent our non-stop film of thoughts running in our mind. Once we learn this practice, we can experience life after death.

    What is the purpose of experiencing life after death? One of the objectives is to remove the fear of death realizing our consciousness is part of the universal consciousness, which is known as Omnipresent, Omniscient & Omnipresent. We need to penetrate Physical (Sthula), Subtle (Sukshuma) and Causal (Kaarana) bodies (Sareera) to reach that level of consciousness. It is our thoughts that limit our mind to only to worldly experiences and there are many more human mind is capable of experiencing. A disciplined approach to expand our consciousness to go beyond the physical limits will allow our mind to experience other levels of consciousness. It is possible for human beings to experience not only the past, present and future but also other dimensions that are not visible to our senses.

    Prayers, meditations, yogas and all other processes are only facilitators to experience this expanded consciousness and we need to learn not to worship the processes but turn our focus to the end results of expanded consciousness.
    Thyagarajan, hrastro and gamma50g like this.

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