Eating Healthy And Exercising During Ttc

Discussion in 'Fertility & Trying to Conceive' started by sociallifein30s, Jul 17, 2022.

  1. sociallifein30s

    sociallifein30s Gold IL'ite

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    how to even do it? I have been generally surrounded by health freaks so have been switching to handpounded rice and avoiding junk in general. The fibroid made me even more consscious of avoiding packaged foods.
    BUt now in ttc, new marraige, moms untimesly demise, I feel lonely. And specially during my period, I just cant avoid packaged biscuits and other junk. THe only thing I try to do is buy 3/- packets of biscuits so even if I finish, I finish small portions. 5/- chips packets so I dont open a new one. This anxiety eating has bitten me very hard. The rest of the days I am pretty sane and in control but the 1st and 2snd days of period are the worse. I shifted to sugar less teas so thats a little solace. I shifted to small tea glasses and having half glass so I know I will feel tempted to have another one in a while, so another half glass tea. Now it is only my cooking so I dont cook elaborate foods - rice, sabzi and dal, ghee and some pickle. Done. No pakoda, bajji , biryani. And yesterday (2nd day of period) I ordered roti and kadai veg for lunch. (Being a vegentarian helps perhaps during this time)

    How do you even manage food during this time?

    Second is on exercise - I was the aspiring marathoner, so I atleast did 10k every month. My next one was doing 108 pradakshinas atleast once a week. 108 surya namaskar was the ultimate achievement days - did very few times, but aimed to do atleast once a month or maybe atleast 54. Kapal bhati and anulom vilom everyday 15 mins.

    I hear conflicting views on exercising during ttc. Apparently, just light walk is only recommended. definitely no Suryanamaskars during ttc.

    What do you do? suggestions please?

  2. SGBV

    SGBV Finest Post Winner

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    I am not an expert, but from my experience I can give you some guidance.

    Try snacking fruits instead of junk foods. I used to eat raw mangos, pine apples with salt chili powder to satisfy my taste buds. There are days, I crave only sugar and then I have other sweaty fruits & juices.

    As for exercise, I think they are fine during TTC, until you become pregnant. After that, following your Gynec advice, you may chose the best exercise.
    But walking is the best medicine not just for physical, but mental wellbeing too
    drdiva and sociallifein30s like this.
  3. sociallifein30s

    sociallifein30s Gold IL'ite

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    yea su
    yea surya namaskars and anulom vilom - here I come :)

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