Deepa Jyothi Parabrahma, Deepa Jyothi Janardhana Deepo Harathu Pabam,Deepa Jyothi Namosthuthe Shubam Karothi Kalyanam, Arogyam Dhana Sampada Deepa Jyothi Namosthuthe ISalute the Lord sustainer of the creation in the form of this light I salute this Lord, the light May he destroy afflictions resulting from my omissions and commissions I prostrate to the lamp light which brings the brillians the ausiciousness, the health the wealth and possessions for the destructon of bad(my) (enemy to good)_intellect Each one of us have a different way of praying. Some think like me thinking of God the whole day , doing our duty, and do pooja and prayer to God whenever possible Got this from Google , thought of sharing with you all , many must be already knowing about these kind of bhakthi. Ways of worshipping the supreme are many. Srimad Bhagavata mentions nine important lakshnas (aspects) of devotion. They are (1) Shravana (Hearing); (2) Kirtana (Praying); (3) Smarana (Remembering); (4) Padasevana (resorting to the feet); (5) Archana (Worship); (6) Namaskara (Bowing); (7) Dasya (Service); (8) Sakhyatva (Friendship); (9) Atmanivedana (surrender of the self). The story of the great king Parik****h who attained moksha by listening or Hearing to the glories of the supreme, as told to him by Srisuka is the leading theme of Bhagavata. The kings days were numbered, thanks to a curse. But he was fortunate to have the stories of the Lord narrated to him by Srisuka. Continuously for seven days. At the end his soul became one with the Lord. Takshaka. The serpent could only bite his physical body which then turns into ash. Keerthanam. chanting of Lords names, is inseparable from saint Narada. Narada. son of Brahma, was a poor womans son during his earlier birth. Then as a small boy he had the opportunity to serve and to be with four saints for four months. Love for the Supreme developed in him and the saints blessed him with everlasting devotion. The evermoving Narada. never stops chanting the names of Hari. Uninterrupted chanting need not be the only way of worship. Narada once asked Lord Vishnu to identify his most ardent devotee. Vishnu points out to a poor farmer. Narada's curiosity takes him to the farmers house. To his surprise he noticed that the farmer chanted 'Narayana' only twice during the day: once in the morning and once in the evening. In between he was totally engrossed in his household chore. Narada. perplexed, approached Vishnu to clear his doubt. Vishnu hands over to Narada a vessel filled to the brim with oil. He was asked to go round his usual way and come back at the end of the day. but with one condition. Not a drop of oil should spill from the vessel. At the end of the day a jubilant Narada returns with the oil intact. Vishnu has one question to ask him. How many times did he chant 'Narayana'. Alas! since he started with the oil. he had not uttered the name once. for he was fully concentrating on the oil pot. It dawns on Narada, that the farmer, burdened with innumerable household-problems remembered the Lord, atleast twice. The episode of Prahlada depicts the importance of Smaranam. Prahlada is said to have received the knowledge of Vishnu while he was in his mother's womb. when his mother was in Narada's ashram. As the child grew up. his devotion for Vishnu also grew and it multiplied with even obstruction his father. Hiranyakasipu created. He could even turn his distractors mind towards Vishnu. Finally the Lord appears in the ferocious, awe inspiring form of Narasimha. kills Hiranyakasipu. Only child Prahlada with his devotion could calm the Lord and stop his distruction spree. ahalakshmi the consort of Mahavishnu is always at his feet serving him. While the milky ocean was being churned by the Devas and Asuras for obtaining Amrut many objects like Iravatha the elephant. 'Uchaisravasu' the horse. Parijatha tree deadly poison 'Kalakuda' etc. aroused out of it. Then standing on a fully blossomed lotus flower Mahalakshmi appeared. Holding a garland of celestial flowers, she moved towards Lord Vishnu and garlanded him and the Lord accepted her as his consort. 'Archanam is the offering to the Lord of flowers, water, leaves or anything that one is capable of. The story of Kind Indradyumna who was cursed by Saint Agastya to become an elephant and later attained moksha by offering lotus (lowers to the Lord is well known. The strong, proud elephant was feared and respected by every one in the forest. In the lake he was caught in the hind leg by a crocodile: who again is a gandharva victim of a curse. The elephant slowly loses all his followers and his pride. As he was being pulled deep into the water, he plucked the lotus flowers with his trunk and offered them to the Lord, with full devotion. Lord Vishnu with his consort comes on his vehicle Garuda. Jumping out cuts the crocodile with his discus Sudarshana pulls out the elephant with one hand. The crocodile attains the original form of the Gandhrva and the elephant takes the form of Vishnu himself, that is Sarupya Mukti. Dhruva. King ‘Uttanapada's son by his first wife was reprimanded b\ his stepmother for sitting on his father's lap. Unable to suffer further humiliation, the small boy. with the consent of his mother goes to the forest to do deep penance. On the way Saint Narada gives him advice. As the penance became harder and harder the elect was felt by the Devas. All his senses w ere cut from the external world to such an extent that when the Lord appeared before the boy he did not see him. Only when the Lord temporarily disappeared from his minds eye did Dhruva notice the Lord standing before him. Touching the boy's cheek with his celestial conch Vishnu blesses him. The boy comes back to the kingdom for a happy re-union. Uddhava was Krishna's prime minister and his most trusted lieutenant. Uddhava was Krishna's emissary to the Gopis and Gopalas of Vrindavan. He got a chance to understand their devotion towards Krishna and it further increased his humility. Later just before the last days of Krishna: after the destruction of the Yadhava dynasty. Krishna speaks to Uddhava for a long long time akin to the advice he gave to Arjuna at the Kurukshetra. Before parting. Krishna gives his padukas (footwear) to Uddhava as a memento. As directed. Uddhava sets forth to Badri Ashram at the foot hills of Himalaya. A chance meeting between Uddhava and Vidura. old lime friends and both devotees of Krishna brings back the memories of their past spent in the service of Lord Krishna. Sudama. also known as Kuchela was Krishna's classmate at saint Sandeepani's Gurukulam. As a poor householder unable to make both ends meet. Sudama. proded by his wife visits Krishna. Flabbergasted at the welcome and engrossed in the reveries of the gurukula days neither did Sudama speak nor did Krishna ask about his living condition. Yet when the Lord partook the beaten rice brought by Sudama. he had bestowed his blessings on the family. The story of the asura king Mahabali is an example of absolute surrender to the Lord. Ball's guru Sukracharya dissuades him from gifting the land asked b\ Vamana. Taking the form of a bee he even tries to stop sanctifying the gift by slopping the flow of water from pooja vessel. But Mahabali with full devotion offers himself at the feet of the Lord. Lord Vishnu as Trivikrama. Ordains Mahabali as the ruler of Sutala. which even excels Surga. The Lord as Vamana is said to be standing in guard at the gates of Mahabali's palace. By : Pandit S. Gowrishankar ********************** Sister Viji, Added the Navaviddha Bhakthi for more clarity, Sorry for the intervention, SAIRAM
Thank you Preetha dear formaking my day with your first visit. Glad you liked the post and thanks for your appreciation of my way of praying
Viji Mam, I really felt the presence of Laxmi Maa .... it's divine.... and I really want to put the same colour combo dress on my Laxmi idol . Thanks for sharing One question, how do you clean the idol and do you clean everyday ?? Maa Laxmi idol looks so clean.
I am feeling a little low and your fb made me feel good. Thanks for your appreciation about Laxmi Maa. Glad you felt its divine and you want to put the same colour combo on your Laxmi Idol also , after putting post it here for us to get darshan. I just wash the Idol with water. I dont clean everyday, once in a while only. Glad to you Ma is looking clean. Thanks for bringing a smile on my face with your sweet message .
Glad I could cheer you up there are so many things to learn from you..... I don't have clothes of that colour but will surely try to get it when I get a chance