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drastic hair loss

Discussion in 'Indians in Bay Area' started by sreya014, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. sreya014

    sreya014 New IL'ite

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    Hello Everyone,
    I am a new member. I shifted to san jose about 3 months back. I am from kolkata. i always had thin hair but no hairloss problems. for the last two months i have had drastic hairloss so much so that my scalp is clearly visisble. I take vitamin supplements regularly.i have no internal problems that i know of. do u know ladies what is causing this hairfall and i want to know if this has happened to anyone else too?and what do i do to stop this? i am crying myself to sleep almost everyday.
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  2. alady

    alady Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Sreya,

    I have heard about this problem quite a bit too and am facing the same situation. I am planning to buy this dechlorinator for our shower head at home since I've heard this can help. No first hand experience yet...but I thought I will share. I can't post a link here but you can find it easily in Amazon by searching for the brand Rainshow'r and product number: CQ-1000-DS

    The reviews on Amazon also look good. Hopefully others on the forum can chip in with their views too.


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