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Dowry is good or Bad

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by Madhurima, Nov 8, 2007.

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  1. kollen

    kollen Bronze IL'ite

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    I agree with you on the fact the if both sides fork out something towards the couple's future, then it is great. Buying a house will definitely bring peace of mind instead of renting property.
    JKAgrawal likes this.
  2. kollen

    kollen Bronze IL'ite

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    Great post.

    One recommendation. Please trt to learn to use the "Quote" function. It allows easier reading and to follow the discussion.

    Once again, great post.
    JKAgrawal likes this.
  3. kollen

    kollen Bronze IL'ite

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    That is probably the most stupid post I have ever read on this forum.

    You are basically acknowledging that women are maids? No woman is forced. She has free-will.

    Society has specific roles that have been working since past millenias. It is rhe way it is.

    Changing rules in society does not happen overnight. Want an example? Angela Merkel. Useless politician.
    JKAgrawal likes this.
  4. periamma

    periamma IL Hall of Fame

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    why are you so harsh?i asked you a simple question and your answer is not apt.This forum has some decorum and no one said only yes masters can visit and those who have contradictory views are not allowed.You can decide whether this forum is worth are not.

    Have you ever asked your dad whether he is a loser as your mom enjoys all luxury free of cost .Have you asked your mom is she enjoying the luxuries free of cost.First start from your home and then question other women who are not related to you .I am in no way to hurt your feelings.Acoin has both sides.
  5. kollen

    kollen Bronze IL'ite

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    I think you are getting emotional.

    The whole purpose of a forum is to discuss with other people. If everyone knew each other, then I doubt forums would exist for this level of questions. After all, if we know each other, I am sure harassment would be a fact.
  6. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    So we see the true face of mr. kollen too.
    The more I read from men like these two,the more I feel good about having strong anti dowry laws.

    Men like these should stand in a cattle show and auction themselves to the highest bidder.I guess They already do in the marriage market.
    Anyways....I hope the moderators take note of these posts and decide if such posts that are only meant to rile up posters on the forum and support something that is against the law to be encouraged.

    I am not posting any longer on this thread because it only gives these misogynists a platform to vomit their repressed views ,views that they would not dare to air in real life.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  7. JKAgrawal

    JKAgrawal Senior IL'ite

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    Why not ask this question to women and their parents also? Don't women's parents make extensive enquiries about the groom's salary? Don't they ensure whether he is well-settled before fixing the alliance? Don't they ask about the property, pension etc. of boy's father? Don't they expect tons of jewelry for their daughter in marriage from boy's side? Why is money so important for women if it should not be important for men?

    When my father was searching a match for my brother, he was asked so many questions not only about how much my brother was earning but also about our family's financial status and my father's movable and immovable properties by the girls' parents that he felt highly humiliated. He felt as if he was being denuded by them.

    They used to ask about my father's pension, no. of rooms in our flat, size of flat, on which floor it situated, whether we took the flat on loan etc. etc. Once my father was annoyed by such questions and had to scold the caller whether he wanted to fix his daughter's alliance or he wants to buy our flat.

    One parent asked my father where will he and my mother shift after marriage since we had only one flat in which their daughter will live.

    Girl's parents can fall to any lowest possible standards but nobody questions them.
    vrikshakadali and kollen like this.
  8. samsWait

    samsWait Silver IL'ite

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    The issue started with some guy saying that wives take without bringing anything to marriage. I only quoted the salary thing to emphasize the fact that wives bring a lot to marriage that if monetized will be equal to the salary that most of guys don't even earn by going outside.can you elaborate more on Angela merkel thing and how she is a stupid politician?
    KashmirFlower likes this.
  9. SunPa

    SunPa Platinum IL'ite

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    If one were to view marriage as a business, then one can talk about profits, assets and turnovers. So what are children - a liability? It is hard to describe marriage to someone who views it thru those lens. Please do not humiliate the sanctity of a marriage by measuring it like that

    No relationship will survive if it is onesided.If you had the misfortune of having a bad experience , perhaps that is why your view is so skewed.

    I still cant wrap my head around your explanation , I can understand why something like dowry became a part of our culture, but with so much changes to the roles and circumstances , it is no longer relevant.
    True, anti dowry laws have been misused by some women, but the truth is many many more women have been exploited thanks to dowry. But I guess it is hard to change mindsets. And laws dont do that.
    sindmani likes this.
  10. JKAgrawal

    JKAgrawal Senior IL'ite

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    Anti-dowry laws cannot do anything to those arguing for financial rights of men, talking about their exploitation by their wives and questioning unnecessary and unwanted privileges given to women given in their in-laws' house.
    Such a market is more appropriate for women who want a man with highest possible salary and massive property and one who can give tonnes of jewelry to them.
    You are supporting that women should not be given any share in their father's property. It is also against Indian Laws.
    Because you do not have logic to support your views.
    I am actually supporting women's rights in their parents' homes which have been violated since times immemorial. Whereas women's rights in their husbands' homes have been fully defined and implemented too, their own parents are violating them. After giving birth to a girl, her parents just give her two square meals a day and sends her off to her in-law's house empty handed whenever possible. They reserve all their movable and immovable wealth for their sons. This is what I am fighting against. Though the law of giving equal share to a daughter in her father's property has been made, but it has not been implemented. All women today are being emotionally blackmailed by their brothers to relinquish their share in their brothers' name.
    All my friends, colleagues and relatives are aware of my views.
    vrikshakadali likes this.
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