My introduction :2thumbsup: HI there Doha ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am Kamath9 residing in Dohafrom past 3years. Iam married with a 5year old kid in DMIS. My husband is an Engineer. Iam a house wife. My hobbies include browsing, fabric painting, reading and cooking. Doha is a very quiet and peaceful place. I liking visiting the Corniche or even the Wakra beach once in a while with family and friends. Ihave been brought up in Chandrapur Maharashtra, and was in Pune for some time before flying down to Doha. Ihave read lot many threads posted by most of our friends specially from Doha. Cheers, Kamath
Hi I'm Rekha I'm basically from Chennai.Got married 2 years before to Ram,a civil engineer and joined him in Doha just 3 months back.So still enjoying the honeymoon phase Doha too seems to be a nice place but missing my parents,friends and chennai a lot.Hoping to make some good friends here.:-D The main problem here is we are not getting any tv channels though we have a dish.Is anyone else facing a similar problem? cheers rekha
Dear Ladies, I am new in Indus ladies and am in Doha for the last 4 years. Read through nearly everyone's intro. Preethi's write-up about Doha is excellent but I must complain that "Preethi, you have not left anything for us to write about Doha" Just Kidding! It will be nice to come to face with each other. Anybody from here, who is also an IWA member? Take care and keep posting.:wave
HI Kamath, Rekha and Seashell Welcome all of you to Indusladies... Its nice to see the Doha group growing up........ Hope some of the IL who had gone to their native for vacation have returned by now...School has started here and am sure all of you are back to your regular routine.... Rekha, if you're using Hotbird - you should be getting some hindi channels, I get Jaya TV and there are two other tamil channels called Mathuram and Tharisanam. Sun TV comes only with video and no audio for me. Check with the concerned cable guy for your trouble. Seashell, thanks for the complaint I still feel there are some aspects of doha which i haven't covered in my post, you're most welcome to share those info which I have missed mentioning about Doha.... Doha Ladies, keep the communication on and hope to meet you all soon one day...! Love, Preethi
Re: A New Comer to IndusLadies ? - Tips for you. Hello friends, I have lived almost all my life in Qatar.Its a beautiful and peaceful place.I am married n have been blessed with 5 kids,3 boys n 2 girls, so I am a full time home maker. I love 2 read, cook n make friends.Looking forward 2 make many new friends through indus ladies. Take care.............
Dear Kamath,Seashell,Anudhar and Preethi Thank you for the reply.I'm currently in chennai on vacation.Will be back to Doha by the first week of October. Thanks to IL that I have got a chance to make new friends there.We will defenitely meet up in Doha. And Preethi I checked with my husband and he said its not Hotbird and the cable guy has changed his mobile number and shop..Guess he must hv got too many complaints...He has run away from the place:evil: cheers:2thumbsup: rekha
Hi Preethi & Rekhaaram , The way its going, IL ladies in Doha should plan for a get-together sometime. would be a great event .. As for TV Channels, Rekha if you are keen about getting the channels, I think I can guide you !!!. Please check up your private message for my mail-id and phone number. You are welcome to call me. With prayers for Peace and Happiness everywhere, Bala Sri
HI Bala Sri Sure, I agree with you, It's good to see the number of doha ladies increasing in this forum, we can soon plan a get-together of all Doha Indus Ladies...! Soon Ramadan is going to start and for working ladies this time period would be convineant to plan a get-together too. We shall wait to see what other Doha Ladies have got to say for this and then we shall go ahead with necessary plans... Love, Preethi
Hi ladies, A very good idea to meet up and give faces to the names:cool2: . The sooner, the better. How about any saturday morning, say from 10.30 am to 12 noon? Looking forward to hearing from you all. bye, Seashell